#DiaryOfAPediBiker Chapter 30: (The Return Edition) So, I had a - TopicsExpress


#DiaryOfAPediBiker Chapter 30: (The Return Edition) So, I had a very vivid dream. Despite never having been in Nigeria and having once had a Nigerian doctor, I was certain in my dream that I was in Nigeria but didnt have a Nigerian doctor. There was something distinct about my setting that said Nigeria. Anyway, I had been at the doctor because my health had deteriorated significantly over the past two weeks. So I explained to the doctor what symptoms I had experienced. These included incessant bleeding, particularly on this one cut on my finger. I tried applying pressure but the wound wouldnt stop bleeding. Then, Id get all drowsy and start having blurry vision. The doctor reckoned it was anaemia or something...low iron (I guess). I had suddenly developed a profound fear of needles because when they took out a small gauge syringe to draw blood for the test, I let out a roar of a scream right before passing out. When I came to, they had drawn the blood they needed and given me a minor transfusion to compensate for my earlier blood loss. My energy levels were up and I was looking forward to BBall later that day.....then, HARK....there was darkness and I was now at a bus stop walking in the direction of the hospital. I didnt get the distinct feeling that I was on my way TO THE hospital, rather just headed past it. I started getting drowsy and two-stepping before I held on to a pole and faintly called for help from these two strangers who were in the street. One had a Nigeria garb whilst the other had what to me, looked like a doctors outfit. I say so cause it was white pants, black shiny shoes and a short sleeve white shirt with a pen clipped on to the front chest pocket. Only doctors have that sense of fashion. They picked me up and as one was reaching for his cellphone, I passed out. I woke up in the hospital and surprise surprise, the guy WAS INDEED a doctor. He proceeded to examine me and ask me the same questions as the previous doctor. But there was a marked difference with his demeanour: he was calmer, more self-assured and projected this aura of confidence. He ruled out the anaemia as a misdiagnosis and proceeded to ask me what I thought was the weirdest question ever: do I think i have a tick bite? I was a little offended as I though it meant that I have questionable hygiene standards. I gave him a resounding NO and he picked up the irritation in my voice. He reassured me that he meant no disrespect and rephrased his question. Have been out in the wild, in the bushes, amongst animals, wild or domesticated?....Lo and behold, a flashback hit me: I had just hiked in Belabela with Atti and I remembered hitting a tree with my head trying to walk under a branch with what seemed like a spiders nest! With a little thorough inspection, the tick-bite was discovered on my scalp. They gave me a solution to wash my head with to remove it without causing any damage and left me in the bathroom. As I proceeded to wash my head, I discovered two more ticks and removed all of them. It was quite a spectacular scene. Each one, on hitting the ground, cast out a light at each tentacle (leg, if I must). Of course that was momentary as I wasted no time squashing them. I then packed my bags and rushed for the airport (WTF)! I met up with my colleagues at what looked like a private hangar....thats how small the airport was. We were actually in time for the earlier flight and we started running towards it. I summoned these guys with a golf cart and they just ignored me. I stopped and yelled at them for not assisting the obviously heavily pregnant lady running with a trolley and they started moving. Wait, WHAT! Running pregnant lady? Who was that? Like....anyway. We got to the plane 45s late because of those idiots and we had to go back to get our original tickets on what was now a full flight. OMG...the drama lying ahead??? Ngeke....even my body wasnt ready for that cause I magically WOKE UP....1 minute before my alarm!!!! And you wonder why Im not normal.....
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 09:07:23 +0000

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