#DokuRandomThoughts (tongue-in-cheek): 1. Academics are cheats. - TopicsExpress


#DokuRandomThoughts (tongue-in-cheek): 1. Academics are cheats. They steal from many people and call it research. If you steal from a single one of them they call it plagiarism. 2. If you steal from many people its called politics. If you steal from one home its called burglary or armed robbery. 3. Christians insist on marrying only one wife because its unscriptual to suffer from the same punishment twice. 4. Sharks will eat any other person they get in the sea except lawyers. Even sharks honour professional courtesy. 5. A fool enjoys the money he works for. A wise man keeps his money till he dies. Who is the fool here? 6. Which idiot said two heads are better than one? What did he need a second head for? 7. Whoever said a cat has nine lives has not met Efo nor has he met sack, club, knife, garrot. 8. Theres no sillier saying than when the cat is out, the mouse is the king. Which king rules over nobody at home? 9. Lets just assume the lotto doctor is indeed a good Samaritan. Which part of Samaria does he come from? 10. Someone said a stich in time saves nine but the muppet could not prevent me from making this tenth comment. Why? Because he either lied or didnt stich in time. Or both.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 17:08:09 +0000

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