((((((((((((((((((((((((((Dr. Ibrahim Awad Abdel-play reveals - TopicsExpress


((((((((((((((((((((((((((Dr. Ibrahim Awad Abdel-play reveals Christ))))))))))))))))) )))))))))) Reply to Christians Misconceptions about Islam Who is the greatest? Christ or Mohammed? Book of Abdel Massih and his colleagues in this book tells the writer Story servant of the Lord who got a license from the government departments to evangelize in Egyptian prisons and cut us by comparison stunts conducted by in one of his visit after Astvtah Muslims of the greatest, Muhammad or Jesus prayers of God to them and peace The article in your hands is taken from the book whichever is the greatest: Muhammad or Jesus Dr. Ibrahim Awad In this part of the book shows how Dr. Ibrahim Awad Abdel Massih that play is just another lie of lies that it glorifies God ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((ÇŃĚćß Efhamny?)))))))))))) * One of the servants of the Lord used to visit prisons in one of the Arab countries to declare the way of life of the prisoners. And he gets an official license from the government departments to visit anyone who wants to hear the gospel of truth and peace that cleanses hearts and change minds. The servant of the Lord that enters the cell without escort guard, refusing to guard and sure that the search is not being candid with the prisoners under surveillance, was advancing to the solo criminals rooms and sitting with them. Entered once to a group of prisoners who have been sentenced to prison for more than ten years, and they had known him from his previous visits and are accustomed to listen to the guidance of the right and the good news of salvation. They were conferring after leaving his speeches strongly about and Hamas does not match them. When entered, this time to their cell locked immediately the door behind him, saying to him: You are not going to go out of this room unless Jobtna answer categorically and explicitly to our question, an individual servant of the Lord for them, saying: I come to you voluntarily and without an armed guard and give you answers from the word of God as far as my means, I do not know what not to say. They replied: Do not wait for you secrets about stars and methods of magic, but we ask you as a man of religion and a final conclusive answer to the question rolling us: Who is the greatest? Mohammed or Jesus? When he heard this question servant of the Lord said to himself in a dilemma: if I say that Muhammad is the greatest Christians of prisoners attacking me, because sitting in this cell were criminals and unscrupulous. If I said that Christ is the greatest perhaps is one of the Muslims and break my neck of the intensity of his anger, note that each of insulting Muhammad or curses him is when some Muslims blasphemer worthy of death. Prayed servant of the Lord in his heart, asking the Lord to inspire him wise convincing answer to these prisoners. Anyone who asks the guidance of the Lord in critical times been given him the answer immediately. Volhm Holy Spirit this server uncomfortable, which is behind a locked door, a clear answer his humility. As the servant of the Lord slowed during the silent prayers of the answer to this question prisoners told him: Do not shirk your responsibility, do not be a coward, but also recognized the right as a whole. Ventahd you that leave you without insulting or harassing us no matter what I said. Do not lie and do not be afraid your thoughts, but told us the full right. Man of God, he began to say: Im ready to tell you the truth outright, but the question before me is not a topic that I have prepared for you today from the Bible, but that Samemtem to hear the comparison between Muhammad and Christ do not hide from you the truth. But I am not responsible for what produces Chrohata, but you are responsible for Tgbronni you did not answer the question I put what Nueth absolutely. This is the answer: I do not decide who is the greatest, but leave the Quran and the Hadith that gives a convincing answer. Consider the Koran in the eyes of the right Vtarafoa right concealer, and the right to set you free. ** For this story, I regret to say that she did not enter the mind, but is an invention of the author or authors, invented to be a framework technically interesting Mtosameen be persuasion them as such more and do the same reader, but Faye Arab country to allow for one of the non-prison officers and soldiers to enter the cells of prisoners, as well as to leave the prison officials in the cell door behind preachers of the prisoners themselves close it from the inside (God is great!) or leave it open as she likes or does not mean they want as officials in the prison? The practice in such a case is directed by the prisoners from their cells to a large hall where are the likes of those interviews, either in the cell did not hear such in the first two of our fathers! I wonder then how can we believe that the Muslims resort to one of the pastors to resolve the question the subject of the story? Will doubted Muslim in this case, dulling to resort to a chaplain before anyone else knows is that he will choose Christ, of course? And how it did not resort to the Muslim world Istvetonh in this issue that arose in their minds like this question at all? So that Muslims believe in all the prophets and messengers and respect them all. They are, but believe that Muhammad is the best of the prophets, do not make them walk in the issue because of the controversies and Mmarriet with all and sundry. But note that the distinction Photos by the writer or writers reaction when both teams: The maximum Balksas Christians what to do if they chose Prophet Muhammad Séajmouna. It takes the reader guessed they Séajmouna Enough is enough, and without that there will be to determine the quality of this attack, which could mean work on the beat without necessarily Ishvauh implementation. This is what come to mind when we hear the word attacking him. But when he described the response of Muslims to preference supposed Jesus Christ has said specifically: If I said that Christ is the greatest perhaps is a Muslim Ali and breaking my neck of the intensity of his anger, note that each of insulting Muhammad or curses him is when some Muslims blasphemer worthy of death. The difference is clear for the blind, which means that the author or the book describes Muslims cruel and uncouth, unlike the Christians, the most that is expected from unscrupulous Mjermém that attacking them, but without one of them breaking his neck at all. It is also the time in which stipulates that death waits insulted the Prophet Muhammad, the Christians do not think of this thing at all. And why not, they are civilized people, even if they were prisoners of criminals without conscience? But before all this how he wants us to author the story conviction that the likes of these criminals unscrupulous (as they call them) can occupy their minds in jail (a hotbed of crime and corruption all) such cases entertainment that does not benefited only on the minds of ascended in religiosity and cut off at that strides far? Then before before so how authorities allow in the country of the country to enter and preacher of religion cell on all inmates of all faiths without being excreted sons Dinh separately Viclmanm Braanh in the affairs of religion without disturb others what they say, but what can be played because of sedition in the cells did not know the extent of enormity but God alone? But you can leave the mind to accept the Muslim authorities in prison and a Christian preacher enters the prisoners Muslims the good news with the people of his communitys religion? This talk is right that the mind does not digest as the mind is not digested inverse of this situation to allow the authorities in the country Nasrani Muslim preacher to enter the inmates Christians offer them religion and works on admitted it! Finally improves Since when unscrupulous criminals to say such a phrase Almtnoqh: Do not wait for you secrets about stars and methods of magic, but we ask you as a man of religion and a final conclusive answer to the question rolling us: Who is the greatest? Mohammed or Jesus?? Did ya see what will be convinced Muslims will say preacher Nasrani preference for Christ? And How do they know that this is true or false in wisdom? What standard of honesty and lying here? It is, at the questioners in the story, is that Muhammad is the best, and otherwise this would not be in their honest at all! And we get to the last phrase, which reveal that the whole story, as I said earlier, the story of an inventor, Here is a pastor says he will leave the Quran and the Hadith Aattiyanam convincing answer. This means that the speech addressed to Muslims alone, which then does not want to provide them with evidence from outside the Quran and Sunnah, but who do not believe in them. Where are the Christians went then? Ulm were among those who were conferring in that case and asked him where the answer, and he himself was afraid of them attacking them that if answered them, including not expect nor want? Moreover, as saying: If I said that Muhammad is the greatest attacking me prisoners Christians is a proof that the story inventor Muftrah as how imagined that was possible to convince us that he could be sentenced him to Saleh Mohammed, who believes that Christ God or the son of God, Mohammed and the best estimate is just a prophet? Ya see, it puts humans before the prophet of God? Unless he wants to tell us that he was a preacher abstract does not belong to any religion, but calls to the absolute virtue without linking it to a particular faith or worship. But
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 05:36:23 +0000

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