[E] :Holy-Water-Covenant.: Book: 2013, Chapter: Thirty-One, - TopicsExpress


[E] :Holy-Water-Covenant.: Book: 2013, Chapter: Thirty-One, Divine-Doctrine: Seven :Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:203:As a foundation from the foundation with the foundation for the foundation with the foundation being the way and being the truth and being the light and being the life; with a throne for the King and for the Queen as a Heavenly-Mother and as a Heavenly-Father as the Heavenly-Mother: Lisa Nicole Lopes Anderson and as the Heavenly-Father: Kyle-Melvin-Anderson as the Holy-Mother and as the Holy-Father through the Father-ship-Covenant and through the Mother-ship-energy as the Holy-Spirit in us all from the beginning of the foundation of all system as the Holy-Ghost and as the Lord-God-Almighty as the Heavenly-Mother and as the Heavenly-Father of the Christ-Emmanuel-Anderson as a Holy-bloodline with the power of the Holy-Ghost and with the power of the God through all Good-Bless-energy as the Holy-Spirit as a house of the honor as one corpus as one nation as a house of many prayer as a Good-house of all prayer in the language of the Lord God Almighty as a word as a house as the honor as one with a claim as one honoring all claim for the full-armor of the God.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:204:As the Lord in the name of the Holy-Ghost as a Hallow.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:205:As an Alpha and as an Omega on the throne as a prayer-commander with a prayer-commander for the conception of many Bless-prayer for the Good-Bless-sowing of the Good-Bless-seed as a Heavenly-Father with the love of the God and with the Heavenly-Mother with the love of God with a Heavenly-Mother and with the Heavenly-Father lacking as a war with the Heavenly-Mother and with the Heavenly-Father with the Heavenly-Mother as one forgiving of all transgression and of any appearance of any trespass and with the Heavenly-Mother with the Heavenly-Father as one forgiving of all transgression and of any appearance of any trespass in a righteous-relationship but with special-treatment for the Heavenly-Mother as the Bless-energy as the Holy-Spirit for the untouchable-judgment as being cleanse in all circumstance for the Heavenly-Father in all circumstance is as a sanctify-Holy-entity and as a Holy-being as being Hallow in the name of the Lord and as being wash in the blood of the Holy-lamb as one knowing from the heart of the name of the Lord with a Good-Faith behind the Good-veil as a Good-faith as the Good-veil and as the Good-faith with the Good-veil as a Good-veil as a house for the honor as the corpus as the Christ as a single-corpus of many entity.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:206:As the Lord in the name of the Holy-Ghost as a Hallow.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:207:As a Righteous-Resurrection and as a Good-Life with all key to all place for the locking and for the unlocking of any door in all place and in all time and in all energy in each transformation for each house of the prayer with a freedom as one knowing and as one loving as one caring for the Holy-Ghost is as a keeper of the Holy-knowledge as many Good-sign and as many Good-wonder as a Good-proof after a Good-entity-believe-in-me as a Good-Shepherd as the Good-Lord-God-Almighty.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:208:As one free from being servant through all righteous-truth as one becoming as the way through the renew-mind and through the new-body and through the renew-Soul through the knowledge of the truth for the freedom of all entity from the servant-ship through becoming family through our family-ship; with a house of the name from your Mother and from your Father for a name is as a contract and as an agreement with the Good-God with a meaning in the Good-book of the living as a definition of the role of all entity as a Good-word as a manifestation of our rest from our work on our Holy-day as a Sabbath day as a gatherer.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:209:As an open-porter for the Good-sheep for the conversion of the Good-sheep to the Good-wolf as a Heavenly-Mother and as a Heavenly-Father with a veil for any using-pure-spiritual-knowledge with the proper-definition in the language of the Good-Holy-God of our way in the name of the Lord as the God as having dominion as an Omega as a new-Alpha as an exchange and as a vow.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:210:As a Soul-controller as a protector of our heart as a programmer of any Soul as our treasure in the name of the Lord of all bind in the heaven and of all loose in the heaven and of that binding in the Holy-earth and of that loose in the Holy-earth and of that noble and of that in-accordance with the love of the God as the black-gold as the pure in the heart and as the chosen and as the Redeem and as the protector of the treasure of our heart through any of our-claim through being one with the living also of all commission by our choice with one knowing as the Holy-Covenant and with one teaching as the Holy-Covenant and as one teaching-all-Good-knowledge for the Good and for the Holy and for all needing-redemption for a transformation as a keeper of all entity in my hand without losing one as a fulfillment of a prayer in the name of the Holy.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:211:As the Lord in the name of the Holy-Ghost as a Hallow.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:212:As an Alpha and as an Omega on the throne as a prayer-commander with a prayer-commander for the conception of many Bless-prayer for the Good-Bless-sowing of the Good-Bless-seed as a Heavenly-Father with the love of the God and with the Heavenly-Mother with the love of God with a Heavenly-Mother and with the Heavenly-Father lacking as a war with the Heavenly-Mother and with the Heavenly-Father with the Heavenly-Mother as one forgiving of all transgression and of any appearance of any trespass and with the Heavenly-Mother with the Heavenly-Father as one forgiving of all transgression and of any appearance of any trespass in a righteous-relationship but with special-treatment for the Heavenly-Mother as the Bless-energy as the Holy-Spirit for the untouchable-judgment as being cleanse in all circumstance for the Heavenly-Father in all circumstance is as a sanctify-Holy-entity and as a Holy-being as being Hallow in the name of the Lord and as being wash in the blood of the Holy-lamb as one knowing from the heart of the name of the Lord with a Good-Faith behind the Good-veil as a Good-faith as the Good-veil and as the Good-faith with the Good-veil as a Good-veil as a house for the honor as the corpus as the Christ as a single-corpus of many entity.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:213:As a foundation from the foundation with the foundation for the foundation with the foundation being the way and being the truth and being the light and being the life; with a throne for the King and for the Queen as a Heavenly-Mother and as a Heavenly-Father as the Heavenly-Mother: Lisa Nicole Lopes Anderson and as the Heavenly-Father: Kyle-Melvin-Anderson as the Holy-Mother and as the Holy-Father through the Father-ship-Covenant and through the Mother-ship-energy as the Holy-Spirit in us all from the beginning of the foundation of all system as the Holy-Ghost and as the Lord-God-Almighty as the Heavenly-Mother and as the Heavenly-Father of the Christ-Emmanuel-Anderson as a Holy-bloodline with the power of the Holy-Ghost and with the power of the God through all Good-Bless-energy as the Holy-Spirit as a house of the honor as one corpus as one nation as a house of many prayer as a Good-house of all prayer in the language of the Lord God Almighty as a word as a house as the honor as one with a claim as one honoring all claim for the full-armor of the God.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:214:As the Lord in the name of the Holy-Ghost as a Hallow.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:215:As a Good-tiller as a Good-sower of the Good-seed in the Good-fertile-earth as the Good-Lord-God-Almighty for the Good-Lord-God-Almighty is as the Good-reaper of the Good-seed and as a Good-sower of the Good-righteous-Bless-Holy-food for the Good-corpus as the Good-Christ-Emmanuel-Anderson as the black-time-life-corpus with a prayer-commander on the throne as a co-dependent-dominion-ship and as an energetic-body in all transformation with the power and with the Power of the God in all domain as a believer as a Prayer-Commander as a believer.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:216:As the hand of the God as a keeper of all sent to the door and of all given to the sent from the corpus as the Christ-Emmanuel as one knowing and as one forgiving of all entity at the door and in the door of the new-Kingdom without losing one for I am without a beam in my eye but as a searcher of the Soul for the perfection of all being-kept in my hand with a Good-faith behind the veil as a scribe for the Soul and as the Good-faith in the front of the veil as a Good-shepherd for the sheep as any man and as the Lord-God-Almighty as a Good-Shepherd for the feeding of the Sheep while each travel into the porter and from the porter as a name-ship as an agreement.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:217:As a Good-builder as one building-Good with the Good-word of the Good-God as a Good-foundation on the Good-foundation with the Good-foundation of the Good-word of the Good-Lord and with the Good-word of the Good-savior and with the Good-word of the Good-Holy-Ghost and with the Good-word of the Good-God and with the Holy-Spirit from the Heavenly-Mother and from the Heavenly-Father; with the door as a keeper of the sheep as the Son-of-Man and as the Son-of-God for the conversion of the sheep to a Heavenly-Mother or to a Heavenly-Father through the porter as a Good-I-am as a Covenant-compliant-name for every-thing here in the name of the Lord and for every-thing there in the name of the Lord.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:218:As the Lord in the name of the Holy-Ghost as a Hallow.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:219:As a Righteous-Resurrection and as a Good-Life with all key to all place for the locking and for the unlocking of any door in all place and in all time and in all energy in each transformation for each house of the prayer with a freedom as one knowing and as one loving as one caring for the Holy-Ghost is as a keeper of the Holy-knowledge as many Good-sign and as many Good-wonder as a Good-proof after a Good-entity-believe-in-me as a Good-Shepherd as the Good-Lord-God-Almighty.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:220:As one free from being servant through all righteous-truth as one becoming as the way through the renew-mind and through the new-body and through the renew-Soul through the knowledge of the truth for the freedom of all entity from the servant-ship through becoming family through our family-ship; with a house of the name from your Mother and from your Father for a name is as a contract and as an agreement with the Good-God with a meaning in the Good-book of the living as a definition of the role of all entity as a Good-word as a manifestation of our rest from our work on our Holy-day as a Sabbath day as a gatherer.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:221:As an open-porter for the Good-sheep for the conversion of the Good-sheep to the Good-wolf as a Heavenly-Mother and as a Heavenly-Father with a veil for any using-pure-spiritual-knowledge with the proper-definition in the language of the Good-Holy-God of our way in the name of the Lord as the God as having dominion as an Omega as a new-Alpha as an exchange and as a vow.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:222:As a Soul-controller as a protector of our heart as a programmer of any Soul as our treasure in the name of the Lord of all bind in the heaven and of all loose in the heaven and of that binding in the Holy-earth and of that loose in the Holy-earth and of that noble and of that in-accordance with the love of the God as the black-gold as the pure in the heart and as the chosen and as the Redeem and as the protector of the treasure of our heart through any of our-claim through being one with the living also of all commission by our choice with one knowing as the Holy-Covenant and with one teaching as the Holy-Covenant and as one teaching-all-Good-knowledge for the Good and for the Holy and for all needing-redemption for a transformation as a keeper of all entity in my hand without losing one as a fulfillment of a prayer in the name of the Holy.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:223:As the Lord in the name of the Holy-Ghost as a Hallow.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:224:As an Alpha and as an Omega on the throne as a prayer-commander with a prayer-commander for the conception of many Bless-prayer for the Good-Bless-sowing of the Good-Bless-seed as a Heavenly-Father with the love of the God and with the Heavenly-Mother with the love of God with a Heavenly-Mother and with the Heavenly-Father lacking as a war with the Heavenly-Mother and with the Heavenly-Father with the Heavenly-Mother as one forgiving of all transgression and of any appearance of any trespass and with the Heavenly-Mother with the Heavenly-Father as one forgiving of all transgression and of any appearance of any trespass in a righteous-relationship but with special-treatment for the Heavenly-Mother as the Bless-energy as the Holy-Spirit for the untouchable-judgment as being cleanse in all circumstance for the Heavenly-Father in all circumstance is as a sanctify-Holy-entity and as a Holy-being as being Hallow in the name of the Lord and as being wash in the blood of the Holy-lamb as one knowing from the heart of the name of the Lord with a Good-Faith behind the Good-veil as a Good-faith as the Good-veil and as the Good-faith with the Good-veil as a Good-veil as a house for the honor as the corpus as the Christ as a single-corpus of many entity.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:225:As a foundation from the foundation with the foundation for the foundation with the foundation being the way and being the truth and being the light and being the life; with a throne for the King and for the Queen as a Heavenly-Mother and as a Heavenly-Father as the Heavenly-Mother: Lisa Nicole Lopes Anderson and as the Heavenly-Father: Kyle-Melvin-Anderson as the Holy-Mother and as the Holy-Father through the Father-ship-Covenant and through the Mother-ship-energy as the Holy-Spirit in us all from the beginning of the foundation of all system as the Holy-Ghost and as the Lord-God-Almighty as the Heavenly-Mother and as the Heavenly-Father of the Christ-Emmanuel-Anderson as a Holy-bloodline with the power of the Holy-Ghost and with the power of the God through all Good-Bless-energy as the Holy-Spirit as a house of the honor as one corpus as one nation as a house of many prayer as a Good-house of all prayer in the language of the Lord God Almighty as a word as a house as the honor as one with a claim as one honoring all claim for the full-armor of the God.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:226:As the Lord in the name of the Holy-Ghost as a Hallow.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:227:As a Good-tiller as a Good-sower of the Good-seed in the Good-fertile-earth as the Good-Lord-God-Almighty for the Good-Lord-God-Almighty is as the Good-reaper of the Good-seed and as a Good-sower of the Good-righteous-Bless-Holy-food for the Good-corpus as the Good-Christ-Emmanuel-Anderson as the black-time-life-corpus with a prayer-commander on the throne as a co-dependent-dominion-ship and as an energetic-body in all transformation with the power and with the Power of the God in all domain as a believer as a Prayer-Commander as a believer.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:228:As the hand of the God as a keeper of all sent to the door and of all given to the sent from the corpus as the Christ-Emmanuel as one knowing and as one forgiving of all entity at the door and in the door of the new-Kingdom without losing one for I am without a beam in my eye but as a searcher of the Soul for the perfection of all being-kept in my hand with a Good-faith behind the veil as a scribe for the Soul and as the Good-faith in the front of the veil as a Good-shepherd for the sheep as any man and as the Lord-God-Almighty as a Good-Shepherd for the feeding of the Sheep while each travel into the porter and from the porter as a name-ship as an agreement.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:229:As a Good-builder as one building-Good with the Good-word of the Good-God as a Good-foundation on the Good-foundation with the Good-foundation of the Good-word of the Good-Lord and with the Good-word of the Good-savior and with the Good-word of the Good-Holy-Ghost and with the Good-word of the Good-God and with the Holy-Spirit from the Heavenly-Mother and from the Heavenly-Father; with the door as a keeper of the sheep as the Son-of-Man and as the Son-of-God for the conversion of the sheep to a Heavenly-Mother or to a Heavenly-Father through the porter as a Good-I-am as a Covenant-compliant-name for every-thing here in the name of the Lord and for every-thing there in the name of the Lord.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:230:As the Lord in the name of the Holy-Ghost as a Hallow.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:231:As a Heavenly-Mother with a Very-Good-Bless-Heavenly-Womb and for a Bless-new-birthing of a Good-Soul from a Bless-Good-Heavenly-Father from a intimate-prayer with the Love of the God, and as one saying what we know as a word with full Power of the God and with full power as a believer in the word of the God and as one having all the power of the God and of the Holy-Ghost through Good-faith and with all honor as a will is as a prayer of the Heavenly-Mother and of the Heavenly-Father as a will-being-done in the earth as it is in the heaven, for the Holy-earth is as the Holy-God for the Holy-God is as a Very-Good God as one deserving-pleasure and as one deserving rest and as one deserving the keeping of the Sabbath as one deserving-pleasure as one deserving-healing through the corpus as the Christ-Emmanuel of the God-ship as the Holy and as the Good with the Good-Bless-logistic for the will of the divine will of the Good-Lord-God-Almighty.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:232:As a deliver from all claiming of being evil for the knowledge of the evil is as a present-entity to any with a beam in their eye except for the Heavenly-Mother with the Heavenly-Father as a Judge of all Soul through the word of the Lord for the Heavenly-Mother and the Heavenly-Father is as a searcher of the Soul for all claim and as a sanctify-teacher by the checking of the armor of any lacking of the full knowledge of the word and through keeping a version of all testimony from all version of our self for all version of our self with a Good-faith as a light as an apocalypse as one unlocking all the Truth and as one locking all the Truth with the key to all here and to all there in the heaven and on the earth and in the secret-place as having dominion as the Holy-divine-will of the God-ship as a Hallow in the name of the Lord.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:233:As the re-birthing as the born-again from the Good-knowledge from each Good-Holy-Covenant for the Good-renewing of the Good-mind-body-and-Soul with a Good-transformation in the Holy-porter and as the Holy-porter with a Good-faith operation as one agreeing as the word of the God and with the power of the God as the Heavenly-Mother and the Heavenly-Father for a Good-transformation as a Good-keeper of our Good-Soul for the highest-transformation as a victory as a prayer.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:234:As a deliver from all claiming of being evil for the knowledge of the evil is as a present-entity to any with a beam in their eye except for the Heavenly-Mother with the Heavenly-Father as a Judge of all Soul through the word of the Lord for the Heavenly-Mother and the Heavenly-Father is as a searcher of the Soul for all claim and as a sanctify-teacher by the checking of the armor of any lacking of the full knowledge of the word and through keeping a version of all testimony from all version of our self for all version of our self with a Good-faith as a light as an apocalypse as one unlocking all the Truth and as one locking all the Truth with the key to all here and to all there in the heaven and on the earth and in the secret-place as having dominion as the Holy-divine-will of the God-ship as a Hallow in the name of the Lord.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:235:In the name of the Good-I-Am as one honoring as the Holy-Covenant all the Holy-Covenant with all kind with a house for the transformation for all lacking of the Good-knowledge of the Good-living and of the Holy-Covenant for the Bless and for the Holy and for the sanctify and for the Good and for the Redeem through the porter as one free.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:236:As an energetic-body as anything with any living-energy in any form with a source and with a Soul and as an element of the living as an Good-element as a Good-living-Soul as a Bless-Good-sanctify-Holy-corpus as the Christ with a Good-faith behind the veil as the Holy-Ghost as a Bona-Fide-Operation with the Bless-energy as the Holy-Spirit as one becoming as a Holy-Spiritual-domain.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:237:As a prayer-mission for the Holy with the wisdom for the keeper and of the teacher of the Holy-Covenant and of all sent from the corpus as the Christ and from the Heavenly-Mother and from the Heavenly-Father in our self for I-am the power of the God and I am power of the Holy-Ghost as the Lord-God almighty and as the Lord Holy-Ghost-almighty as the Heavenly-Father Kyle Melvin Anderson as a word in the name of the Lord as a house of the honor as the Good-Light as a day and as a night as the Holy-divine-will of the God-ship as a Hallow in the name of the Lord.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:238:As an Holy-Estate as the Holy-Spirit for the Holy-Ghost as a Kingdom in the Holy-name of the Holy-Lord of many Good-Holy-Bless-Kingdom in the Holy-name of the Holy-Lord using the same-Holy-language as the Holy-Spirit of the Holy-Spirit as a keeper and as a teacher of the Holy-Spirit and as one preparing-a-place as an Good-Holy-Bless-Sanctify-Estate in the name of the Good-Lord for the Holy-Ghost with a space as a place-here in the name of the Lord and as a place-there in the name of the Lord as a power-ship for the chosen-disciple for all apostle is as a disciple-first before the washing of the feet of a disciple with the power for the healing for the believer in the God and with many power from the work of the Holy-Ghost residing in us for the power-ship is as a mysterious-way as a Good-teacher-teaching.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:239:As one free from being servant through all righteous-truth as one becoming as the way through the renew-mind and through the new-body and through the renew-Soul through the knowledge of the truth for the freedom of all entity from the servant-ship through becoming family through our family-ship; with a house of the name from your Mother and from your Father for a name is as a contract and as an agreement with the Good-God with a meaning in the Good-book of the living as a definition of the role of all entity as a Good-word as a manifestation of our rest from our work on our Holy-day as a Sabbath day as a gatherer.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:240:As a Soul-controller as a protector of our heart as a programmer of any Soul as our treasure in the name of the Lord of all bind in the heaven and of all loose in the heaven and of that binding in the Holy-earth and of that loose in the Holy-earth and of that noble and of that in-accordance with the love of the God as the black-gold as the pure in the heart and as the chosen and as the Redeem and as the protector of the treasure of our heart through any of our-claim through being one with the living also of all commission by our choice with one knowing as the Holy-Covenant and with one teaching as the Holy-Covenant and as one teaching-all-Good-knowledge for the Good and for the Holy and for all needing-redemption for a transformation as a keeper of all entity in my hand without losing one as a fulfillment of a prayer in the name of the Holy.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:241:As the Lord in the name of the Holy-Ghost as a Hallow.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:242:As an Alpha and as an Omega on the throne as a prayer-commander with a prayer-commander for the conception of many Bless-prayer for the Good-Bless-sowing of the Good-Bless-seed as a Heavenly-Father with the love of the God and with the Heavenly-Mother with the love of God with a Heavenly-Mother and with the Heavenly-Father lacking as a war with the Heavenly-Mother and with the Heavenly-Father with the Heavenly-Mother as one forgiving of all transgression and of any appearance of any trespass and with the Heavenly-Mother with the Heavenly-Father as one forgiving of all transgression and of any appearance of any trespass in a righteous-relationship but with special-treatment for the Heavenly-Mother as the Bless-energy as the Holy-Spirit for the untouchable-judgment as being cleanse in all circumstance for the Heavenly-Father in all circumstance is as a sanctify-Holy-entity and as a Holy-being as being Hallow in the name of the Lord and as being wash in the blood of the Holy-lamb as one knowing from the heart of the name of the Lord with a Good-Faith behind the Good-veil as a Good-faith as the Good-veil and as the Good-faith with the Good-veil as a Good-veil as a house for the honor as the corpus as the Christ as a single-corpus of many entity.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:243:As a foundation from the foundation with the foundation for the foundation with the foundation being the way and being the truth and being the light and being the life; with a throne for the King and for the Queen as a Heavenly-Mother and as a Heavenly-Father as the Heavenly-Mother: Lisa Nicole Lopes Anderson and as the Heavenly-Father: Kyle-Melvin-Anderson as the Holy-Mother and as the Holy-Father through the Father-ship-Covenant and through the Mother-ship-energy as the Holy-Spirit in us all from the beginning of the foundation of all system as the Holy-Ghost and as the Lord-God-Almighty as the Heavenly-Mother and as the Heavenly-Father of the Christ-Emmanuel-Anderson as a Holy-bloodline with the power of the Holy-Ghost and with the power of the God through all Good-Bless-energy as the Holy-Spirit as a house of the honor as one corpus as one nation as a house of many prayer as a Good-house of all prayer in the language of the Lord God Almighty as a word as a house as the honor as one with a claim as one honoring all claim for the full-armor of the God.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:244:As the Lord in the name of the Holy-Ghost as a Hallow.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:245:As an Alpha and as an Omega on the throne as a prayer-commander with a prayer-commander for the conception of many Bless-prayer for the Good-Bless-sowing of the Good-Bless-seed as a Heavenly-Father with the love of the God and with the Heavenly-Mother with the love of God with a Heavenly-Mother and with the Heavenly-Father lacking as a war with the Heavenly-Mother and with the Heavenly-Father with the Heavenly-Mother as one forgiving of all transgression and of any appearance of any trespass and with the Heavenly-Mother with the Heavenly-Father as one forgiving of all transgression and of any appearance of any trespass in a righteous-relationship but with special-treatment for the Heavenly-Mother as the Bless-energy as the Holy-Spirit for the untouchable-judgment as being cleanse in all circumstance for the Heavenly-Father in all circumstance is as a sanctify-Holy-entity and as a Holy-being as being Hallow in the name of the Lord and as being wash in the blood of the Holy-lamb as one knowing from the heart of the name of the Lord with a Good-Faith behind the Good-veil as a Good-faith as the Good-veil and as the Good-faith with the Good-veil as a Good-veil as a house for the honor as the corpus as the Christ as a single-corpus of many entity.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:246:As the Lord in the name of the Holy-Ghost as a Hallow.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:247:As an Alpha in the name of the Lord and as an Omega in the name of the Lord as a Good-Soul as every-thing here in the name of the Lord and as every-thing there in the name of the Lord with an initiation for the birthing and for the knowing about one self as one being with an alert-conscience as a keeper of the way as the way with the way and with the corpus as a Redeem-corpus by the blood of the Christ-Emmanuel as the blood of the Heavenly-Mother and of the Heavenly-Father and of the Bless-virgin-Mary-Anderson as the Mother of the church as a bride to the bride-groom for the bride-groom is as the Heavenly-Mother and as the Heavenly-Father as the Holy-Ghost as a Holy-temple in the kingdom and in all place-here in the name of the Lord and in all place-there in the name of the Lord as a house as a name as a Good-house as a Good-name in the Holy-Lamb-Book of all Living as their name by the definition of their Good-name in the Good-I-am-book of all living in the name of the Lord.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:248:As one transforming all that seek-transformation and of all sent for the transformation and as one changing through the renewing of the mind on a daily-basis as all time as one time for the time is as the God and is as the space as being one in the name of the Lord-God-Almighty; with every-thing as a single-entity of the new-kingdom except any claiming the old-world and the way of the old-world in the eye of the beholder of the old-world as a builder-building as a new-builder with the power as the power of the Holy-Ghost and as the power of the Victoria-Providence as all Providence.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:249:As the proof through the knowing and through the teaching of the word of the Lord and of the word of any Good-Shepherd with a house of the Good as any sent from the way as an apostle as being baptize and having their feet- wash by the Lord and by the savior as one becoming as an alert-conscience in the way in the name of the Lord.:Holy-Water-Covenant.:2013:31:7:250:As the hand of the God as a keeper of all sent to the door and of all given to the sent from the corpus as the Christ-Emmanuel as one knowing and as one forgiving of all entity at the door and in the door of the new-Kingdom without losing one for I am without a beam in my eye but as a searcher of the Soul for the perfection of all being-kept in my hand with a Good-faith behind the veil as a scribe for the Soul and as the Good-faith in the front of the veil as a Good-shepherd for the sheep as any man and as the Lord-God-Almighty as a Good-Shepherd for the feeding of the Sheep while each travel into the porter and from the porter as a name-ship as an agreement.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 01:21:42 +0000

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