#E32 #EVOLVE 32 iPPV Results August 9, 2014 Orlando, Fla. Aired - TopicsExpress


#E32 #EVOLVE 32 iPPV Results August 9, 2014 Orlando, Fla. Aired on WWNLive Report by Sean Radican, PWTorch columnist Drew Galloway, the new EVOLVE Champion, came out to kick off the show. Galloway got a standing ovation from the fans. Galloway said last night was his first match back and he chose EVOLVE because he wanted to be surrounded by the best wrestlers. He said he stands before the fans as the new EVOLVE Champion. Galloway revealed a big bruise on the back of his leg, but he said the show must go on. Galloway said he was going to defend the title in every single match going forward. The fans applauded and chanted his name. (1) EVOLVE champion Drew Galloway beat Anthony Nese (w/Su Yung, Caleb Konley). Galloway hit a big slam on the apron on the outside before dropping Nese over the guardrail. Galloway favored his leg as he worked over Nese. Yung got into the ring, which allowed Nese to get the upper hand. He went right after Galloways leg. Nese worked over Galloway for a long period of time. Galloway finally fired back an caught Nese with a flying kick as he came off the ropes. Galloway caught Nese with a big pop-up powerbomb for a near fall. Nese countered a double arm DDT and hit a German for a two count. Galloway kicked Nese off the turnbuckles and popped him up onto his shoulders for a spinning flapjack that was good for a near fall. The fans fired up and they went back and forth until Galloway hit an exploder into the corner for a nearfall. Nese rolled through on Gallowss finish and rolled him up for a nearfall. Nese went for a 450, but missed and Galloway hit the double arm DDT for the win. Good opener, but Nese stopped going after Galloways leg for some reason and Galloway got the win. (***1/4) Swann came out and taunted Nese. He told Nese to ask his secretary was. He said she was with him all night long. Nese and Konley yelled at Yung and they went to the back. Swann congratulated Galloway and put him over. Swann said he had been in EVOLVE since 2009 and he said that he would win the EVOLVE Title from him. Galloway said he would put the title on. Brandon Tolle came out and told him he had to beat Chris Hero tonight to get a future shot against Galloway. This was all centered around Swann losing his title shot when Hero lost the previous night to Galloway. (2) James Raideen beat Drew Gulak in a Style Battle Round Robin match. Raideen jumped Gulak as they were doing the introductions. Gulak couldnt take Raideen down with a pair of dropkicks. He tried to take Raideen down to the mat, but was unsuccessful. Raideen dominated the action for a long period of time. Gulak fired back and hit a dragon screw, but Raideen didnt go down. Gulak hit a big lariat and grabbed an ankle lock. Raideen got the ropes, but Gulak dragged him back to the middle of the ring. Gulak grapevined the leg, but Raideen got the ropes. Raideen fired back with a big lariat for a two count. The fans fired up and Raideen hit a big lariat, but Gulak kicked out at one. Raideen then hit a big powerbomb for the win. Raideen looked good here with Gulak selling his power for most of the match. (3) Timothy Thatcher beat Biff Busick in a Style Battle Round Robin match. Busick teased a clean break and went for a chop, but Thatcher blocked it and admonished Busick. Thatcher began working over Busicks arm while manipulating his fingers and wrist, but Busick managed to push him into the corner to break the hold. Busick was going for a submission, but Thatcher countered it into a triangle and then got a cross-arm breaker. Busick quickly got the ropes. They had some good exchanges on the mat. Both men locked arms and began exchanging headbutts. Busick went for a rear naked choke, but Thatcher escaped and got a cross-arm breaker. Busick got to the ropes, but Thatcher went right after his arm again. Busick tried to roll through, but Thatcher got a kimura. Busick got the ropes, but Thatcher got another kimura. Thatcher hit a suplex, but Busick held on with a sleeper. Thatcher got to his feet as drove Busick into the corner. They battled up top, but Busick grabbed a choke on the top rope with a lot of leverage. Thatcher fought off a sleeper and eventually hit a short clothesline that left both men down. Thatcher for on top of Busick and grabbed an arm bar. Thatcher screamed for Busick to tap, but Busick slipped out. They exchanged slaps and Busick managed to deck Thatcher. He went up top, but ate a European uppercut. Thatcher then picked him up and suplexed him into the turnbuckles for a two count. Busick caught Thatcher with a flurry of offense capped by a diving European uppercut for a nearfall. He then grabbed a read naked choke. The fans fired up and Thatcher got to his feet. Busick did a judo throw while holding onto the sleeper. Thatcher tried to break Busicks grip and got to his feet. They exchanged counters and Thatcher grabbed a Fujiwara armbar for the win. This was really good. (****) (4) Caleb Konley (w/Anthony Nese) beat Johnny Gargano. Gargano came out all fired up. The Orlando fans seem to love Gargano, given the reaction he got coming out. Konley dominated early, but Gargano nailed him with a big spear as the pace picked up. Gargano hit a slingshot splash to the floor a short time later. Garganos nose appears to be bleeding. Gargano was dominating the action on the outside until Nese distracted him and Konley nailed him with a kick. Gargano tried to fire back, but Konley sent him head over heels into the corner. Both men began tagging each other with forearms, but Konley hit a basement dropkick and a springboard quebrada for a near fall. Konley taunted Gargano with slaps. The fans tried to rally behind Gargano. Leonard said it was because the fans hate the Premier Athlete Brand. They went to a big exchange and Gargano caught Konley with a slingshot spear. They went back and forth and Gargano hit a slingshot DDT for a 2 count. Gargano went for a lawn dart, but Konley countered and hit a missile dropkick and a tornado DDT for a two count. Gargano went for a springboard a short time later, Konley dropkicked him to the floor. Gargano avoided a slingshot to the floor and nailed Konley with a dive through the ropes. They had a great exchange that ended with Gargano hitting a huge lariat and both men were down. They battled up top and Konley ate several elbows, but hit a Death Valley bomb for a nearfall. The fans chanted for Gargano. Konley went or the o face, but Gargano fought out and got the Gargano escape. Konley managed to roll on top for a nearfall. Gargano managed to fire back as hit a lawn dart for a two count. Nese taunted Gargano. He distracted Gargano again a short time later and Konley pushed him off the top and hit a moonsault for the win. This was really good, although I wasnt a huge fan of the way the match ended. (***3/4) Konley got on the mic after the match and said he had beaten the golden boy. He said Gargano used to be a man and is washed up. Konley said his victory is pointless. Gargano sold anguish on the outside. Gargano tried to jump Swann, but Swann nailed him with a punch. A couple of refs dragged Gargano away. (5) Rich Swann beat Chris Hero. They went back and forth with some chain wrestling early. Hero got the upper hand, but Swann kicked him to the floor. Swann went for a flip dive off the apron and rolled over Hero and spilled into the guardrail. That was nasty. Hero fired back a short time later and caught Swann with a big boot to the head. Hero methodically attacked Swann. Swann tried to fire back, but Hero decked him with a straight right. Hero got more aggressive and swatted away a dropkick attempt from Swann. He told Swann to get out of his ring before tossing him to the floor. Hero glared at the ref and broke the count before going back to the outside to continue working over Swann. Hero glared at the fans as the ref counted. The ref seemingly counted forever. Swann barely beat the count and Hero immediately hit a sliding dropkick for the win. Swann mounted a comeback and ducked a rolling elbow before hitting a neck breaker. Hero went for a ridiculous dive and missed. Swann them went for a dive and turned it into a hurricanrana on the floor. Swann hit a big frogsplash for a nearfall. Hero got his boot up when Swann went for a rolling frogsplash and Swann slumped in the corner. Hero countered a suplex attempt and dumped Swann to the mat with a nice counter. The fans fired up behind Swann, who are a rolling elbow for a near fall after Hero made a lazy cover. Hero jawed with the ref. Swann countered the death blow and go a rollup for a nearfall. Hero hit the death blow a short time later for a near fall. Hero sold frustration. Hero taunted Swann and Swann hit an Ace Crusher. Hero got right up. Swann hit another ace crusher and a springboard ace crusher. Swann went for a standing 450, but Hero got a small package. Swann then reversed it for the win. This was a good match with good character development for Hero. (***1/2) Hero grabbed the ref after the march and went for a rolling elbow, but stopped himself. Hero left through the front door. (6) DGUSA champion Ricochet beat Matt Sydal to retain the Open the Freedom Gate Title. Ricochet tried to rib Brandon Tolle for the way he calls for the bell. The fans wanted Tolle to do it again and Tolle rang the bell again for a big pop. The fans chanted for Ricochet before he went at it with Sydal. Ricochet took down Sydal with a nice dropkick during the early going. The pace picked up and they had a great exchange that ended with a Sydal spin kick for a two count. Sydal dominated the action and got a nice leg submission with a bridge at one point. He continued to target Ricochets leg. He went for a standing moonsault, but Ricochet got his legs up and hit a standing moonsault of his own a short time later. Ricochet took his time to talk to the fans as be continued to hold the advantage. They went to a big exchange and Sydal hit a knee strike and a standing moonsault for a two count. The pace really picked up and Ricochet ended a big exchange with a Regalplex for a two count. Sydal fired up and hit a meteora for a two count. These guys are so smooth in the ring. Sydal countered the benadriller and countered it into his signature leg drop for a two count. Sydal went for a huracanrana off the top, but Ricochet landed on his feet. Sydal countered Ricochets signature rolling suplexes into a rollup for a great near fall. He went up top for a SSP, but missed. The fan fired up. Sydal no sold a kick. Ricochet hit another superkick and Sydal kicked out at one. Ricochet hit the benadriller and a 630 for the win. Wow! These guys are so smooth and they had some great exchanges leading into the finish. (****) Ricochet was interviewed after the match. He grabbed the mic and said hes the best all over the world. Galloway came down to the ring as Ricochet talked about him. He said he had already beaten Hero. Ricochet didnt know Galloway was behind him. The fans chanted for Ricochet, then Galloway said Ricochet reminds him of himself. Galloway said fans need to get to Evolve 33 because theyre going to get Ricochet vs. Galloway. He told Ricochet he would get his best. Both men held up their titles. Ricochet then played guitar on his belt and Galloway smiled and left the ring. This was a really good show. Its definitely worth checking out on VOD.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 18:32:37 +0000

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