“EAT MY FLESH AND DRINK MY BLOOD” by John Hibbert The Lord - TopicsExpress


“EAT MY FLESH AND DRINK MY BLOOD” by John Hibbert The Lord Jesus spoke these words! How grotesque! What kind of cannibalism is this? Well, He obviously didn’t mean it literally! Perhaps He was talking about the communion service? No, of course not! Jesus said this before He went to the cross; there was no communion service and the people He was speaking to had certainly no idea there ever would be. So what did He mean? The day before He fed 5,000 men, plus women and children. The people followed Him across the Lake because they wanted more free food. What an ideal opportunity for Jesus to use their quest for natural bread to announce to them, “I am the bread of life … I am the living bread that came down from heaven.” He was not satisfied with saying to them that they needed Him, or just likening Himself to the manna with which God fed His people in the desert, He deliberately used shocking words. He told them they needed to eat His flesh and drink His blood. It was such an offensive way to speak that many of those who were following Him went away and did not follow Him anymore. What is it that characterises our Christian life? For thousands of people it is a life of religious observance. Going to church, being a part of the music ministry, reading your bible, saying prayers, running a youth group, perhaps being on the church board, inviting people to church, and in many other ways observing the tradition of your particular brand of Christianity. The ‘so called’ church of Jesus Christ needs a massive wake-up call, because Christianity is not doing the above! True Christianity is eating His flesh and drinking His blood! What does it mean? It means that I as an individual devour God. It means I eat Him; I drink Him; I climb into His bones; I am flesh of His flesh; I love Him; I am in love with Him; I yearn for Him; I wake up for Him; I go to sleep for Him; I live every day to please Him. Without Him being in every way our ‘Bread of Life’ all we have is another religion. The fact is that there are millions of Christians meeting together in churches from Pentecostal churches to Methodist; Salvation Army to Presbyterian, Anglican to Roman Catholic, and the sad fact is that the people are no more Christians than Moslems, Hindus, or a multitude of other religions in the world. ‘Christians’ call the other religions ‘false religions,’ but there is nothing more dangerously false than a Christian church that is not truly, in practise, Christ centred. Do you want life? I advise you to stay away from most churches! You need the One who said, “I am the bead of Life.” You need to go alone and seek Him; call His name; get desperate; plead with Him to come to you; cast of all tradition and ridiculous religion and ‘eat His flesh: drink His blood.’ Ask Him to show you the cross, to reveal to you His unutterable love, the beauty of His sacred presence. Fall in love with this awesome, pure, holy, exhilarating God. Know Him for yourself. He will pour so much love over you that you will be transformed. This is the very essence of life!
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 12:11:42 +0000

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