EGYPTIAN ASTROLOGY Though the ancient Egyptians had a tremendous - TopicsExpress


EGYPTIAN ASTROLOGY Though the ancient Egyptians had a tremendous knowledge of twelve signs of zodiac, they did not actually invent them; it is a popular belief that the signs of zodiac goes to the credit of ancient Babylonians, while Egyptians leaned the signs from the Greeks during the famed Ptolemaic period. Egyptians differentiated their zodiacal system, by assigning them different shapes than the ones commonly used today. In a classical Egyptian calendar, the months are segregated into three sub sections called “decades”, each with ten different days. Ancient Egyptians created a system of decans which are actually the famed stars like Sirius and Orion; the helical rising of these stars match the first day of the 36 successive decades. In any one single night, the sequence of twelve decans rise and such a sequence can help in counting the hours. Early Egyptians halved the day into temporal hours, whose total length relied upon the exact time of the year. A typical summer hour along with longer period of day light, should be longer than that of a typical winter day. Surprisingly, Egyptians were the first people, who divided the standard day into 24 temporal hours and after this invention, Egyptians used the hours of the day, to create astronomical charts and drawings. The ancient Egyptians calculated the time, by using a number of tools and instruments, especially the shadow clock (these became the subsequent sundials of Romans and Greeks). Early shadow cocks of Egypt based its measurement of time on checking the shadow from a bar crossing four distinctive marks that represented hourly gap initiated from two hours into the day. However, it was quite difficult to observe the movement of sun and stars with this tool. Hence, Egyptians invented another ingenious tool called the water clock or clepsydra to measure time. Egypt provides some of the best-kept water clocks in the Temple of Karnak, dating back to the 15th century BC. However, temporal hours of the day were of little use to astronomers of the day. Around 127 BC, Hipparchus of Niceae, proposed segregating the day into 24 equinoctial hours. In the succeeding days, the method of dividing the day became finer and accurate, when another Alexandrian based philosopher, Claudius Ptolemeus, divided the equinoctial hour into 60 minutes. Egyptian astronomical influence stretched across to Greek and Roman empires, when Claudius Ptolemeus compiled a comprehensive catalogue of over two thousand stars and forty-eight constellations. Egyptians also have a very accomplished zodiacal system that provides excellent forecast and personal destinies: Thoth The month of Thoth: August 29 to September 27 He is a god of wisdom and learning; people born under this sign are excellent in solving their problems and skilled at organizing things and events. Nevertheless, they can forego anything in exchange for a better offer. They are seasoned, original and authentic They are at times very rash, impatient and hasty Their favorite lines of profession are teachers, actors and lawyers Horus The month of Horus: September 29 to October 27 Horus is the god of shining sun. The people, who are born under this sign are courageous, daring and aggressive They are optimistic, social, and extremely motivated to achieve their goals. They want to achieve the best of life However, they could be unrealistic, stubborn and extremely reluctant to face others. Their chosen lines profession are politics and press Wadget The month of Wadget: October 28 to November 26 Wadget is the royal cobra that is the symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Those born under this sign are very rational, cautious, careful, helping, ambitious and self-reliant. They are very strong and loyal to family members and family values. Their weaknesses are pessimism, unsociable, miserly and extremely haughty Their chosen lines of profession are engineers, contractors, architects, editors and those who work in the field like supervisors. Sekhmet The month of Sekhmet: November 27 to December 26 Sekhmet is the god of war and rivalry. Those who are born under this sign are mentally brilliant, imaginative and optimistic. They are extremely jovial and talkative with people. They are witty and accommodating and their strengths lie in their hospitable character. Their weaknesses are anger, impatience, argumentative and quarrelsome. Sphinx The month of Sphinx: December 27 to January 25 Sphinx is the guardian of treasure and he can change his shape as when the situation demands. They are chameleon-like and can adjust to any difficult situations. Their strengths are sternness and shrewdness accompanied by a trait of self-discipline and sensibility. They are also serious and discreet at times. They could be overtly proud, haughty and impatient in making decisions. They can fit any occupation that is in the self-employment category. Shu The month of Shu: January 26 to February 24 Shu is the god of sunlight and wind. Those who belong to this sign are highly creative and ingenious. They are also extremely successful in their profession. Their strengths lie in the fact that they are humorous, principled and straight forwardness. Their weaknesses are hesitancy and procrastinating. Their chosen lines of profession are social work, charity, agriculture, care and hospitality sectors and counseling Isis The month of Isis: February 25 to March 26 The god Isis is the deity of discipline. Those people who take their birth under this sign are honorable, proud and idealistic. They are also very logical and intuitive. Their strength lies in being active and self-reliant. They are also quite popular among their friends. Their weaknesses are extreme obsession and withdrawing, when the chips are down. Their chosen lines of profession are phototherapy, arts and advertisements Osiris The month of Osiris: March 27 to April 25 Osiris is the god of the underworld. Those who take their birth under this sign are extremely perplexing and misunderstood Their strengths are dynamism, intelligence, smartness and enterprising Their only weakness is that they try to avoid responsibility These people are good in teaching and selling Amun-Ra The month of Amun: April 26 to May 25 Aumn is the god of construction. Those who belong to this sign are strong, firm, athletic and hard working Their strengths are strong will power, courage, and self-confidence. They are also excellent leaders and organizers Their known weaknesses are intolerance and anger They can excel in financial related professions. Hathur The month of Hathur: May 26 to June 24 Hathur is the goddess of both sky and the earth. Those people who are born under this sign are expressive, loving and caring. Their main strengths are romanticism and charm They could be envious, jealous and hating at times They will excel in professions like social work, show arts, painting and communication. Phoenix The month of Phoenix: June 25 to July 24 It is the bird of life, energy and resurrection. These people use any opportunities to emerge successful in their life. Their strengths are optimism, flexibility and caring for others. Their weaknesses include isolation, sedentary, stubborn and unrealistic They can excel in professions like self-employment and other similar challenging jobs. Anubis The month of Anubis: July 25 to August 28 Anubis is the deity of underworld. It is probably the most determined and tolerant of all signs. People who are born under this sign are self reliant, self-confident and ability to carry out any tasks. They are extremely sympathetic, generous, loving, affectionate and caring Their weakness could be that people may take them for a ride at times. Compatible professions include advertisement and fashion.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 01:41:45 +0000

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