****END TIME ARMY **** HOW THE BIBLE DESCRIBES THE MARK OF THE BEAST What does the Bible say, exactly, about the MARK OF THE BEAST? Lets see only what the Bible says... The word MARK is only used 8 times in the NT, all in Revelation. Every use refers to the Mark of the Beast. Here is a word search of MARK in the NT... pull this up in another window so you can follow along in the Word as we look at each usage. The first 8 uses are referring to Mark the Apostle, and the last 8 are all in Revelation. WORD SEARCH - MARK Notice that the 144,000 witnesses are not mentioned in these verses. These are Sealed by the Holy Spirit, not Marked. Sometimes when people talk of the witnesses they use the term Marked, but that is incorrect. Christians are Sealed by the Holy Spirit, not Marked. Lets study together the Word MARK and see what we find... THE WARNINGS ABOUT THE MARK OF THE BEAST 1. The Mark of the Beast will be on the right hand or forehead, and all will have to choose to take it or not. Rev 13:16 The Mark of the Beast will be a physical Mark ON the body, or IN the body. It specifically says on the right hand or forehead. It will be similar to an RFID chip or a tattoo which would be like branding of cattle or animals. We are not animals. The devil wants us to be beasts, animals, to have his Mark. He wants to own us. Although RFID Chips, SS#, or fingerprints have been in use a long time for identification or tracking, this is different. This will not be on your person like a phone or credit card, it will become a part of you. These other forms of identification were a prototype of the Antichrist system, and programmed the people to receive the Mark... but the real Mark will give Satan ownership of those who take his Mark. 2. No one will be able to buy or sell without the Mark. Rev 13:17 No government services can be used, or business can be done without the Mark. That means that those who want to survive without it will suffer greatly. No food, water, medicines, or services. No gasoline, no electricity, etc. 3. The Mark is called, The Name of the Beast, or the Number of his Name. Rev 13:17 Simply stated, the actual chip or tattoo will be connected to the NAME of the Beast. The program used to implement the ID will carry the NAME of the Antichrist. Any government program that carries the actual NAME of a world leader is highly suspicious. Watch for this as a sign. 4. 666 is the Number of the Beast, or the Number of a Man. Rev 13:18 The Number is 666. The bar code system has been used for years and is connected to 666. This is a worldly system and will be used to implement the Mark as well. It is connected to the world economy, and will require allegiance to the world system and worship of the world leader for those who accept it. The Antichrist will be connected to 666. This number will represent him well. It will be evident once the Antichrist rises how he is linked to this set of numbers. Strange anomalies will be evident everywhere, but not coincidental. He is THE BEAST, and 666 is his number. The Bible says we as Christians are in this world but not of it. Taking the Mark will make you... OF THIS WORLD. 5. Receiving the Mark is to Worship the Beast. Rev 14:9 People who want to save their lives by taking the Mark will actually be bowing to the worship of Satan. There is no separation between taking the Mark and allegiance to the Beast. This is why Jesus taught us to store up for ourselves treasures in heaven and not on earth. Those who have loved this world and who have spent their lives accumulating wealth will have an especially hard time refusing to take the Mark. Their home is here, and thats the way they want it to stay. 6. Those who receive the Mark will be eternally condemned. Rev 14:9-11 The Bible is clear, there is no repentance after the Mark. Every soul that receives it will be condemned to hell for eternity. Grace and Mercy ends forever for those who take the Mark, and God will immediately depart from those who are marked by Satan, never to return. 7. Those who receive the Mark will be tormented by terrible plagues on earth in the Great Tribulation. Rev 16:2 This text shows that those who have received the mark will endure terrible plagues and boils in the Great Tribulation. According to this we can see that those who are struggling to survive without the mark will be spared these plagues that are related to the first vial of Gods wrath, but will still suffer from the remaining 6 vials. 8. People are DECEIVED into taking the Mark of the Beast. Rev 19:20 This to me is a very important point, one that everyone should understand well. Many people think Satan plays fair. NO. He is the father of lies and his son is the Antichrist, the son of perdition. Satan is the best liar, and the Antichrist will be the most cunning man who ever lived. Lying will be his very nature. He will not play fair. He will not tell you that the identification you are taking is the Mark of the Beast. He will say it is for the best of the system so all will run well and smoothly, and so that you can be guaranteed the best services available. It will be like Satans lie to Eve... it wont kill you, youll be enlightened! DONT TAKE IT! This verse clearly says that THROUGH DECEIT he will cause the people to take the Mark. That is why God has given us His word... those who have loved the Word will know not to take the mark on their hand or forehead. They will not be deceived, because they know. The masses will be deceived into taking it, just as they are now to follow the Hollywood crowd and the worlds rules of glory and validity. 9. Those who refuse to take the Mark of the Beast will become Martyrs for Christ. The main form of death is mentioned as beheading. Rev 20:4 This is quite clear that the Antichrist system will be connected to ISLAM. They live as BEASTS, and violence rules among them. Beheading is the way for them against all who are infidels against ISLAM. Right now in our world we are seeing terrible things happening everywhere, and those who will not convert to ISLAM are being killed in masses. And beheading is their execution of choice. These connections cannot be overlooked as to who the Antichrist will be allied with. Allah is SATAN, and those who promote ISLAM are anti-christ. THE ENCOURAGEMENT TO OVERCOME THE BEAST 10. Those who overcome the Beast, and do not receive his Mark or worship him, will participate in what is called the First Resurrection. They will live as Priests of God and reign with Christ for a thousand years. Rev 20:4-6 Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years. Rev 20:6 This is an incredible motivation that God has given to all humankind. All humanity can still be saved during the Great Tribulation by not taking the Mark of the Beast. Refusing the Mark is belief in God and in His Word. He accepts this sacrifice and will grant mercy unto salvation to those who refuse to worship Satan. Revelation states that MULTITUDES will be saved in the Great Tribulation. Rev 7:9. 11. Those who overcome the Beast by not taking his Mark will be given harps and the song of Moses to sing...
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 21:08:13 +0000

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