{ENGAGED!}: NO MORE EUMs! Found the person who is completely into - TopicsExpress


{ENGAGED!}: NO MORE EUMs! Found the person who is completely into me and wants to be with me because I became emotionally available! I was with and EUM in the past because I was an EUW. I complained and complained, but it did not get any results and I was at fault. When I had the strength to start to date others that is when I met my now fiance. Last week, I told my EUM that I am getting engaged to be married and that I will not be seeing him anymore. He thought I was telling him this so he can step up. I think he is still in shock. Not my problem anymore, he was given a million chances and someone else came along who knew my worth and valued me. For a long time, I thought I was in love with both guys at the same time and it was so confusing. Then, I saw my fiance battle for me. He had to battle his family and mine to have me. He was wiling to go to extreme measures to have me by his side. At first, his constant attention was annoying, then I realized that this is how it is supposed to be. Not the absentee partnership I was used to. I was too independent and did not need a mad by my side. When a man wants a women, he is willing to fight for her. That alone made me value him more. I was chasing and yes ladies, I was chasing my EUM. At first I was initiating our dates and sometimes that made me very frustrated because everything was on his terms. Then, I joined this group and started to learn about my own frustration. So, to lean back, I would let him go and then we would come back stronger. We built a a very good caring friendship, but I knew down deep he was not into me as much I was in him. At one point and I think it was around June, I got fed up with the roller coaster and his Peter Pan antics. Then I stopped initiating and leaned back really back and considered dating others. I old him that I was going to see other people and I was not satisfied with our current relationship. He asked me for more time and came back at first with initiating our dates, calling me every day and wanting to talk and so on. Then he fell back to his absent routine that is when I decided to date others for sure and that is when I met Adam. I resisted Adam so much at first. The attraction was there from the start, but we both wanted different things from a long term relationship and it was discussed on the first coffee date. He wanted more children and I could not and would not have any more even if I can. So I wished him good luck and did not contact him. Two weeks later, he called me and asked me out and I gracefully declined. He did not give up. He convinced me to see him again. I told myself, just go out there and have fun. At that time, I was still spending time with my EUM and helping him with his career. I refused to see Adam as much as he wanted to see me , but the more I refused the more he wanted me and pursued. On my birthday, I got a happy birthday text from my EUM and a little crystal figurine two weeks later that he was given by someone else. He re-gifted me the gift. LOL LOL Adam showed up at my house the day of my birthday with a beautiful gift and before he went to work. Later that evening insisted on taking me out on a romantic evening. From that point on, I started investing more time with Adam and the relationship was getting better. Not that much frustration and no pull and push tug games I had with the EUM. It was actually easy. There was one time, we got really into it and later we resolve it. He helped me realize my self worth and I was able to help him get closer to his children from his first marriage. He also realized, he really does not want more children, but was missing his children because they lived in a different state. So, last week he asked me to marry him again for the 5th time and went to my dad again and asked for his blessing. I said yes! Somewhere in between August and now, I have realized, I love this man and truly I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He is proud to be with me, it is like he wants to shout to the world that I am with him. He brags about it to anyone that listens. He says Great! George Clooney has nothing on him because he is truly marrying up. I look back and think, what was wrong with me to to be with a man that wanted a part time partner vs. a man who wanted a full time partner? There was nothing wrong with me. I was just not emotionally available to be with anyone full time and I always want to fix broken things that is why I was attracted to the EUM. EUM/ Peter Pan is still working on himself and his career. Adam is established in his career, knows what he wants, and is very loving. So Katarina was right about EUW will attract EUM, at least in my case it was so true. Again, thank you for everything and I am so sorry I gave you a hard time on some of your teachings. I had to adapt and modify to fit my life style because of the cultural issues. Hey, they still worked. :) ~Linda, Illinois Linda was resisting leaning back so much at first. She thought it was ludicrous and only invited abuse from men. She came from a very strong patriarchal culture she reacted against men left and right. She is also a prime example to the ladies here that once you truly want a healthy relationship and heal your own EU it will happen effortlessly. It shows that a relationship that thrives is always with men who are more into us than vice versa in the beginning. And feminine EA women always tend to be more gravitated toward a man who is putting in the effort to be with them. We are naturally melted by a guys effort, not the other way around. Thats the way of nature for millennia. I reveal the secret to melting a mans heart in this important program. My miraculous method has been proven time and again to work wonder on any man (at least the men we are attracted to) that makes me the most successful dating/relationship coach out there with daily testimonials to prove it. Plans are available.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 00:05:15 +0000

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