#EUOROPEOPENYOUREYES# Video appeal of Aleksej Belov, the - TopicsExpress


#EUOROPEOPENYOUREYES# Video appeal of Aleksej Belov, the bandleader of the legendary rock-group Gorky Park, in support of Novorossia English transcription Hello everybody. I am Aleksej Belov, a member of the rock-group Gorky Park, I didnt know how to start this presentation but here are my thoughts. For a long time I used to live abroad, traveling around the world it was such a time when we all aspired to that and presumably it will go on like that and probably I would have died abroad, but during one of my visits to Russia, once again we apparently went on tour, I met a holy man, a true holy man, Holy Father Nikolaj Gurjanov, a well known elderly monk, and touched holiness. That decided a lot in my life, nothing could satisfy me neither comfort nor even creativity and at some point I made a decision to live where I was born back in Russia. In fact neither comfort nor anything else can satisfy a person. The example of this is that the most cult and popular singer of his time Kurt Cobain had blown out his brains being at the peak of his glory and nothing helped him, nothing could satisfy him. My childhood, half of my childhood I spent in Ukraine. My mother was born and grew up in Ukraine in Vinnitskaia area and so a half of my childhood I spent there. My mothers three brothers were reconnaissance men during the WW2 and you can understand how a child perceives the war the most absorbing thing about that war I learnt from my uncle Stasik, who was wounded, lost a part of his lung. So I was always going there with great joy, because I felt so much loved there. Some time ago and even in my worst nightmare I couldnt imagine that on the territory which lost 5.5 million people dead during WW2 and 2.5 million people were displaced to Germany, suddenly somehow Nazism came to full flower again. I simply couldnt take it in. The world also was divided before, but there were times of calm I would say. But now the world is obviously divided into two parts, now it looks like a black and white TV set. If you had one you should remember it has a handle called contrast, if you turn this handle then all light grey shades become white and all dark grey shades become black and there are only two colours left on the screen- white and black. Basically this is the way the world is going to be divided. Some mass media especially western mass media say that Russia is making war with Ukraine, but that is certainly complete nonsense, I wouldnt even name specific countries which are fighting, because actually there are a lot of people from various countries on the both sides. I would say that on one side fighting the people who want to live according to their conscience and on the other side fighting those people who have lost their conscience long time ago. There are words in the New Testament You shall know them by their fruits. Their fruits are obvious as everybody can see what is going on, what was going on. Archimandrite Ilija, our elderly monk, Afons elderly monks, Afon is a whole institution of spiritual eldership, said the words: All died from the hands of Kievs faithless authorities are all Martyres. But think about the wording itself about the sense faithless, then you can see what the people on the other side are fighting for. Now is the time of such a historical split, possibly a lot is still ahead, but those people which are now fighting for Novorossia those people will make it into history regardless that somebody wants it otherwise. But it will be so, because the worlds fate hangs in the balance here in Novorossia, here people are standing up for the truth, and God is always in truth. I am sure that Novorossia will win, and Ukraine itself will be different in some time. God save you. Good bye EUROPEAN FRONT ☭ ЮГО-ВОСТОК ☭ ПОМОЩЬ НОВОРОССИИ Официальный сайт: europeanfront.info https://youtube/watch?v=QsPXeU98V9w
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:32:26 +0000

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