. .. Edit 2014 Compass -13 . By Apostle George on - TopicsExpress


. .. Edit 2014 Compass -13 . By Apostle George on Monday, January 20, 2014 at 8:56am 2014 Compass: Context, Content & Priorities -14: Digging Deep into the Prophetic signs Yeshua, Jesus announced to precede His return Yesterday, we took a Bible reading of Matthew 24, one of the scriptures which Satan has caused many to stumble at. As was indicated, it is a profound scripture with a simple key. Once that key is missed, you can read anything you want into the Word and miss the core essence of both the truth and its timing. Preterists have used some verses of this passage to justify their belief that Yeshua, Jesus must have returned in AD 70 and is therefore not coming again. You can find verses in this scripture to justify arguments for Pre and Post Tribulation rapture! Let us trust Holy Spirit that as our ultimate Teacher, He will cause us to understand what King Yeshua said to both the early disciples at the beginning and we who are appointed to be His remnant in these last days. Please bear with us as we go into a textual commentary of this vital scripture. Because Matthew was the elect biographer of King Yeshua, we shall use His accounts of the Olivet Prophecy as main fulcrum in our analysis. Further insights granted Mark (who gleaned from what Peter shared with him) and Luke (who wrote for Gentiles) will be used to bring further clarity. Matthew 24 (KJV) 1 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. 2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. Commentary: As Jews, the disciples were proud of the GREAT Temple in Jerusalem. The first Temple which was built by Solomon the son of David was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC. With the encouragement of Prophets Haggai and Zechariah, Nehemiah and Joshua used the decree of King Artaxerxes of Medo-Persia as basis for building the Second Temple (See Haggai chapter 1) which was completed in 516 BC. When Herod the Great was King over Judea, he began a massive renovation of the Temple in 20 BC in order to curry favour of the Jews who were displeased that a Gentile was their King. By the time Yeshua, Jesus was on earth, the renovations were still ongoing but the beauty and majesty of the structure was very imposing. As the largest and most magnificent structure in Jerusalem, the disciples were startled when Jesus spoke emphatically that all of it was going to be destroyed! 3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? Commentary: This is the vital key to the whole passage of prophecy in Matthew Chapter 24. The disciples asked Jesus three questions. “the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, V.1. When shall these things be? - They were asking when the Temple would be destroyed. The temple was eventually completed in AD 64 and stood for only 6 years. In AD 70, General Titus led the Roman army to quell a revolt by Jews. The full fury of the Roman army was unleashed on Jerusalem leading to the death of over 1 million people. Just as King Yeshua prophesied, the Temple, symbol of Jewish life, culture, religion and identity as an elect people was totally demolished, so much so that no one has been able to accurately identify the exact location of the Sanctuary (possibly until recent times with advanced imaging technology). While Jews holed up in the city hoping to wait out the siege or even defeat them like their Maccabeus counterparts did to the Selucids led by Anthiochus Epiphannes two hundred and thirty-four years before, Christians in the city laid hold of the words of Matthew 24:15-22 and fled to Petra in modern day Jordan. According to one account, all Christians escaped for their lives! It was a case of obedience to the spoken and written word bringing deliverance to Christians! Let it be noted that Matthew 24:15-22 is a portion of the prophetic words of Yeshua which has double application. One part was fulfilled in the siege of Jerusalem while another would be fulfilled in the future. Other signs that have been fulfilled, are being fulfilled and which about to be fulfilled are ensconced within these other two questions asked by the disciples in Matthew 24:3. V.2. and what shall be the sign of thy coming, V.3. and of the end of the world?” Signs of the return of Yeshua, Jesus and of the end of the age The whole of Matthew 24:4-51 is a continuum of various phases of world history from the time when the first disciples of Yeshua walked the earth until He returns: 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Commentary: Yeshua began His extensive treatise by warning saints to avoid the spirit of deception. He even went on to indicate that many people would appear on earth in His name and deceive the unsuspecting. That has been clearly fulfilled over the years through leaders of various cults in various generations. The warning of Yeshua also applies to Charismatic leaders who use Charismatic witchcraft to exert total control over the minds of their followers who are then manipulated to literally worship them and be subject to their whims. The way the leader of Branch Davidian in Texas and Jim Jones led his cult to doom in Guyana are telling. Even in the modern era, there is a preacher who has millions of followers in North and South America who claims that the anti-Christ is a good personality (in this case, himself) and ordered his followers to make tattoos of the number 666 on their bodies. Other signs – Part B 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. Commentary: Note that all these signs have been fulfilled. Wars and rumours of wars are a fact of life world-wide. There are conventional wars fought by nations with nations and people groups within nations as well as religiously themed terrorism projects in various regions of the world. Famines, pestilences and earthquakes in different places are realities of modern life, in spite of the march of civilization. Hundreds of millions of people in various continents go without or very little food based on poverty and poor harvests arising from poor agricultural practices. Various pandemics including HIV/AIDS are ravaging the world. Hundreds of years ago, Earthquakes were rare occurrences. But in the modern era, they are now regular occurrences topping over 500,000 cases of all types and 100,000 major and fairly major ones annually! Take note that the King told us in verse 8 that all the things listed here are the beginning of sorrows but not the end in themselves. Take a look at the 9 most devastating wars in history, their high casualty rates and note that 4 were all fought in the 20th century when events of the End Times began to increase in intensity: Deaths (millions) Date War 60.7–84.6 million; 1939–1945; World War II (see World War II casualties) [8][9] 60million; 13th century; Mongol Conquests (see Mongol invasions and Tatar invasions) 40million; 1850–1864; Taiping Rebellion (see Dungan revolt)[35] 39 million; 1914–1918 World War I (see World War I casualties)[36] 36 million; 755–763 An Shi Rebellion (number exaggerated based on census system, but not considering the territorial shrink and inefficient census system afterwar)[37] 20 million; 1937–1945 Second Sino-Japanese War[38] 20 million 1370–1405 Conquests of Tamerlane[39][40] 16 million 1862–1877 Dungan revolt 5–9 million 1917–1922 Russian Civil War and Foreign Intervention[41] *Source: Wikipedia Tomorrow, we continue to download what those signs are and their timeline of fulfilment. Wanted: Volunteers are needed to distribute these messages on Face book and other social media. Abba is speaking clearly to His Remnant on earth at this time. A great company is needed to distribute these messages to the widest possible audience! Join us to reach 10 million people daily in 2014 that Abba will use these messages to prepare saints for the time that now is and the age to come! The only qualification required of volunteers: passion for the King and His Kingdom and 30 to 60 minutes daily to distribute. Free training will be given! Let us get this done, together! Wanted urgently: Editors! If you have grace and skills to edit we need you to co-labor with us! You will edit these messages Abba has released for the remnant world-wide to ensure that they are perfect for publication so that many more can be blessed. Abba has raised this commission to empower His remnant world-wide through cutting edge revelation He put in our trust to distribute. Please feel free to check out various resources Abba released to us that will help you to resolve this identity and asset issue on the websiteglobalschoolofministry.info
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 02:57:35 +0000

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