Enid -- You are one of over 800,000 people who - TopicsExpress


Enid -- You are one of over 800,000 people who have signed my petition to free Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese mother who has been sentenced to death for her religious beliefs, on change.org. When I started my petition Meriam was eight months pregnant and had just been sentenced to death for marrying a Christian man and refusing to convert to Islam. Since then hundreds of thousands of people have stood up for Meriam by using the #SaveMeriam hashtag on Twitter and the international outcry has prompted world leaders and international organisations to speak out against her sentence. Two weeks ago, Meriam gave birth to her daughter in prison. The Sudanese Government has said that she will not be executed until her daughter is two years old but she is by no means out of danger. Despite some incorrect reports that Meriam had been released, she, her newborn daughter, and her 20 month old son continue to be held in prison. Meriam is still facing death for exercising her right to freedom of religion. Right now a Sudanese court is considering an appeal by Meriam’s lawyers that could free her from jail and suspend the death sentence. It’s more important than ever that we show Sudanese officials that the world is still watching and we will not stop until this young mother is free to raise her family and practice her faith in peace. Will you please take a moment to continue supporting my campaign by sharing the email below with family, friends, and colleagues? Thank you for your help, Emily Clarke -------- Email to forward to your friends Hello, I have signed the petition “Don’t Execute Meriam Ibrahim for Being a Christian” on change.org and I would like to ask for your support. Meriam Ibrahim is Sudanese woman who, at eight months pregnant, was sentenced to death for converting to Christianity and marrying a Christian man. Two weeks ago she gave birth to her daughter in the prison where she, her newborn child, and her 20 month old son are still being held. Meriam was born to a Muslim father and raised as a Christian by her mother. However it’s illegal in Sudan for a woman to convert from her father’s religion. When her marriage to a Christian man was reported to the courts she was sentenced to 100 lashes. When she refused to renounce her faith and convert to Islam, she was sentenced to death. After her story was made public people from around the world started to speak out on the Twitter hashtag #SaveMeriam and a student in the UK started a petition that’s now been signed by over 800,000 people -- including me! -- asking the Sudanese government to release Meriam and allow her to raise her family and practice her faith in peace. Please sign the petition! A Sudanese court is now considering an appeal that would suspend Meriam’s death sentence and release her and her young children from prison. It’s more important now than ever to keep up the pressure to save Meriam. Here is the petition link: change.org/SaveMeriam Thank you! This email was sent by Change.org to [email protected]. You can edit your email preferences or unsubscribe from Change.org emails. Start a petition on Change.org Mailing Address: 216 West 104th Street, Suite #130 · New York, NY 10025 · USA
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 16:34:39 +0000

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