#Envy #Jealousy #Gods Love There is a difference between - TopicsExpress


#Envy #Jealousy #Gods Love There is a difference between jealousy and envy. Jealousy is saying: I want what you have. But Envy on the other hand is saying: I not only want what you have but I want you to lose what youve got, I wish you didnt have it. Envy is says not only do I want my grass greener, but I want yours to turn brown. But we all know that this two things are not a good ingredient for a good relationship. There are 5 ways that we can do to triumph over ENVY. 1 resist comparing myself to others. All envy starts when we start comparing ourselves with others. 2Corinthians 10:12 tells us that its not wise to compare ourselves. Comparison is the root of all envy. Galatians 6:4 tells us self satisfaction comes when we do not compare ourselves with others. Parents comparing their children with others are provoking their children and pushing them towards envy. Resist connotes that comparison is natural. We must resist it 2. Recognize your uniqueness. Ps139:13 tells us that God created us. We must understand that God made us special. Envy is an expression of inferiority. Envy comes when we do not understand how and why God created us. This is dangerous because when we become envious, we do not respect how God created us. When we are insecure we get envious. This tells us so much about the Hurts, Hang-ups and Habits of people around us. If we are to reach the people around us we must be wise and vigilant with how people see themselves. With God they are free from envy and resentment. This is something that they can benefit from. 3. Rejoice in what I have. Phil4:11 tells us to be content in whatever circumstance we have and are in. 4. Respond to others in Love. Why? Coz This is what God, Jesus, teaches us in the greatest commandment to Love others as we love ourselves (Matt22:37-39). There is a deeper reason why God doesnt want us to be envious of others. Because what we are really saying when we are envious is that God I am resenting you. 5. Refocus in pleasing God. Material things are temporary. Col3:2 tells us to set our minds on things above - those that have eternal value. There are only 2 things that have eternal value: 1. the words of God and 2. Souls. If we are to invest, lets invest on the souls of others. We must not envy so that we can reach more for God.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 23:50:04 +0000

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