Euronews published a letter to the young Bulgarian young - TopicsExpress


Euronews published a letter to the young Bulgarian young Ukrainian Simon Popov | Last Updated February 21, 2014 in 15:26583116 related News Conversations between snipers in Kiev came in the network ( recording) What happens with Yanukovych and Ukraine (live) To light a candle in 20 hours in support of Ukraine Officially victims in Kiev reached 75 ( photos and video) The site of the Euronews published an open letter to the young Bulgarian to her friend from Ukraine . It Spirova Maria talks about the similarities and differences between Ukrainians and Bulgarians , and for a quarter of a struggle of the former socialist countries of true democracy. My name is Maria Spirova . During January through the Global Conversation to Euronews I met a 16 -year-old Ukrainian named Timur , who lives in Kiev. Both spoke with Viviane Reding online and Timur said , almost prophetically for the EU position on the situation in Ukraine. I dedicate this open letter to him , and all Ukrainians who feel that special Eastern European despair that is created from quarter- already pursuing democratic ideal , eventually leading to civil unrest and police cordons . Timur , to begin with - I just want to say Im sorry . I hope you are safe , I hope your friends are safe , I hope youre not utterly and irrevocably exhausted from the battle , although it is probably true. I know I would be if I were you . Sorry I write you on behalf of the European Union, which your generation had ( you still have it ?) Such faith . Sorry , because , frankly, were a bunch of irresolute molluscs . European governments seem to consist entirely of people who , frankly, have no idea what you are experiencing and your people now. Forgive them if you can - they think to please a man like Putin is an appropriate strategy for foreign policy. You see, until recently, they thought the same about Gaddafi. Murmur their possible sanctions will not help you in your fight against a rogue government and neo-imperial aspirations globally. I know it, you know , Barroso knows it. Moving on. I especially want to apologize for my own country , whose foreign minister , Mr Vigenin almost sprained my tongue , trying very carefully not to condemn the violence imposed on you by your President and your own police. Coherent EU position , you say? Nah . Bulgarian officials and institutions violate EU regulations about fourteen times a day, but none of them would not even dare to think contrary to Putin. Because , you see , Timur , we are in this together. We are in the menu of geopolitical buffet. Ukraine has emerged as a main dish . Bulgaria is rather light dessert. Thought in 2011 we stopped negotiating pipeline that will allow Russia to bypass your country and apply more extortive tactics that affect your politicians. On the day of the worst violence of the Maidan new Russian energy minister said that recovering the Burgas- Alexandroupolis . Just like that - without discussing it with the country that actually dropped the deal. He is sure he will play with them. We are in this together , Timur because the breathtaking arrogance of oligarchic circles that omaskaryavat and our governments really do not know borders. They share the same tactics to deal with democratic dissent , and even the teacher is one . Our Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych Oresharsky and even shared the same table in Sochi, symbolically sandwiched publicly embarrassing their political kinship . Listen to the unnatural , cruel propaganda that flows from official Ukrainian sources , gives me a perverse sense of déjà vu . Because governments like ours have invented it convenient - if dissenters refuse to get bored of their protests , the government pay several groups of provocateurs , full of testosterone to begin a quarrel , then make it so that the police too much , so that to angered peaceful protesters . Then in power immediately invoke some sort of emergency powers and things get out of control. Just like Yanukovych, in the summer of Bulgarian protests of our own suffered square Independence Oresharsky thousands of protesters called men, women and children extremists and thought it was an excuse for clustering tens of thousands of police to crush the rally. Just like Yanukovych, Oresharsky justifies everything - beating protesters and underestimation of their numbers at times , threatened and attacked journalists. Of course, theres no comparison to the scale of events - Kiev burst into flames and people from all over Ukraine showed more courage , much better social organization and much stronger nerves than those that we had in our dark hours .. It is your ordeal by fire , is our exercise of despair. Your barricades resisted our did not. The world watched in horror as both times . Western media has authoritatively argue that Ukraine is divided country , as if there might be a country without deep political and cultural differences today. They told him to Bulgaria , told him to Bosnia and Herzegovina , as if that explained everything . Will repeat it ad nauseam for every nation that has been in the post-Soviet orbit and is trying to find its way . Ignore them . You certainly are not alone , you certainly have outnumbered . Have faith , firewood , you support through the Internet. No agonizing over the silent majority as we did in Sofia and just ignore definitive love songs , USSR complaining we hear from some angles. The worst thing you can do these thugs is to show me that their ideas are inconsistent. And more! We live in a funny world with little logic, Timur ! Have you noticed ? Any protest movement nowadays immediately becomes unrepresentative and that this is a setback . If it was representative , widely supported and acting in consensus , it would not protest , right? Protesters everywhere , by default, are in the minority - at least until they succeed. Id like the world to remember that, and you? Do not pay attention to British expatriates in Kiev who tweet their posts to upstage the BBC. So many righteousness of which you queasy : Let s face it, our own police would never allow such a mess before Whitehall . Is it pride , gentlemen? Fact that you left your system has such complete control, can confidently and impartially to quell any effective form of protest Yes, we would like to protest with music and flowers , right , Timur Yet Ukrainians quickly realized something Bulgarians are afraid to admit - peaceful protests can only hope to influence polulegitimni , semi-independent and poluspravedlivo elected governments . Union on the international level mobsters while sitting in ministerial chairs are not concerned citizens and the rule of law. Demonstrations and investigative journalism does not make them correct , not frighten them only occasionally irritate them enough to brandish big beater . Or water cannon, perhaps , depending on the case. And here we are , a quarter century after our euphoric release of the Iron Curtain back in the square. Captives of our home-grown oligarchs. Two confused , exhausted Eastern European countries that have hijacked airplanes forcibly changed course to PAX PUTINIANA. A they dare to call you, your countrymen terrorists, Timur ! Timur , they take us , because they think they can get away with . Honestly , this part of the world that should take care of our little situation also think so. We were left on death too many times before. The future looks bleak, too young , my friend. Looked bleak for our parents who have gone through their own baptisms by fire sticks , Molotov cocktails , repression, lies and misery every few years since the early 90s onwards. It looks bleak for our children, if at all create in this confused world where our region seems to be marching in a circle , increasingly lonely and desperate. One would think that we do not want much. If we can not be independent - as history has shown us many times - can we at least be allowed to choose their own dependencies ? Can we stop suffering from the stigma that laws are in the hands of real criminals ? Can you - at least once ! - To get the full attention and decisive support model that would aim - European civilization in its current shape ? Call me stupid , Timur , but I still think we can. You know the cliché - freedom belongs to the brave . But do you know why ? Because no matter what happens with # Euromaidan and # DANSwithMe , freedom is ours because requests. And thats all we need . Hold on. Dress warm and do not die . I want to see you fry EU politicians again soon. Maria Spirova
Posted on: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 15:08:26 +0000

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