...........................Even non-Ahmadi Muslim and also - TopicsExpress


...........................Even non-Ahmadi Muslim and also non-Muslim leaders of all backgrounds say that these Jalsas make the world aware of the beautiful teachings of Islam. The world is learning about the teachings of true Islam from Ahmadiyyat. This was destined to happen as the Promised Messiah (as) had himself said that do not think this Jalsa to be some ordinary kind of gathering - this is the Jalsa through which the name of Islam will be elevated in the world. Human efforts alone will not suffice, the Help of Allah will also manifest itself and bring about the results. The Promised Messiah (as) explained further that the foundation stone of this movement has been put in place by the Hand of God Himself and He has prepared nations who will soon come and join them because this is the work of that All-Powerful One for Whom nothing is impossible. The time is near when nothing will remain in this faith of those who worship nature and hold on to superstitions and do not believe in the miraculous powers of God and of those who make all kinds of worthless things a part of the faith and God Almighty will establish for this Umma the middle path. That same path which the Quran brought. That same path which the Holy Prophet taught to his Companions (may Allah be pleased with them). That same path which the Siddiq [Truthful ones], Sulaha [Righteous ones] and Shaheed [Martyrs] were blessed to have found and followed. This is what will happen. Indeed this is what will come to pass. He who has ears let him listen. Blessed are the ones to whom the straight path is disclosed. This Jasla is indeed such as can bring about revolutions in the minds of the people and that is what it ought to bring about. And different nations are joining in these Jalsas. In Qadian 31 nations are joining. Thus by placing restrictions on our Jalsa in one country our opponents had imagined that they had dealt a powerful blow but the enemy is misguided and does not understand that the Imam of the Age had not said that he was establishing a Jama’at but had said that the Hand of God had put in place the foundation stone of this Movement. So, if our opponents have the power they can try to oppose God but they should remember that the Promised Messiah (as) is that beloved of God who enjoys His special Help and Succour because he was the one who was sent to rejuvenate the faith by God Himself. So before opposing they should pay heed to what is written in this announcement of the Promised Messiah (as) that before you attack you should take a look at who you are attacking and who is supporting the person you are attacking. They may be able to hurt a few individuals but how can they damage the Jama’at set up by God Himself? So what to talk about one government, the combined power of all the Governments cannot succeed in destroying the Jama’at, insha’Allah - because this is that Jama’at which will establish in the world that pure and true and perfect faith which, shorn of all additions, and innovations, had been brought into the world by our lord and master the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa). Talking about his claim the Promised Messiah (as) states at one place: The Movement which is established to manifest the glory of God and to make clear and prove to the world the blessings of His Messenger and is planted by the very Hand of God Almighty then such a Movement is taken care of and protected by the very angels of God. Who can destroy such a Movement? Remember that if my Movement is merely a business its name and every sign of existence will be erased. But if it is from God and most certainly this is the case then even if the entire world opposes it, it will still go on growing and spreading and the angels will protect it and safeguard it. He goes on to say that even if I am not supported by a single person, and no one supports me even then I believe that this Movement will succeed. These are most powerful words that have been stated making God a witness...So how can the enemies succeed. But we must remember that we too have responsibilities. Every Ahmadi must bring about in him or herself that revolutionary change that the Promised Messiah (as) desires to see in each of us. Our mere participation in these Jalsas is not enough. We must assess ourselves. We must become among those who become deserving of receiving the blessings of the prayers of the Promised Messiah (as). People write to me asking that we become such people. Is it enough to just join the Jalsa to become such blessed people. No. We have to assess and see whether the change we feel when we join these Jalsas is just a temporary thing or whether it will become a permanent feature of our lives. If we leave every such Jalsa with the full intention to change our lives and become those who will make the needed changes to their lives that are desired by the Promised Messiah (as) then we will go on becoming the recipients of the blessings of the prayers of the Promised Messiah (as). .............
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:43:54 +0000

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