Eventually Hypocrisy Shows! A man was driving to a masquerade - TopicsExpress


Eventually Hypocrisy Shows! A man was driving to a masquerade ball during a terrible storm one night when the heavy rains combined with the lightening and the thunder caused him to lose control and go off the road into a ditch. He couldn’t get the car started, and so, though he was wearing a Devil’s costume he noticed a small country church nearby with its lights on. Inside there was a prayer meeting going on. He reluctantly made his way to the church to see if he could get help, still dressed as the Devil. Just as he opened the door to enter a huge thunder clap and lightening hit! The startled worshipers turned to the open door and saw the “devil” standing in the doorway. Frightened by this sudden appearance of the devil some ran for the windows to climb out, some to the back door. They all fled so fast the man didn’t have time to explain his situation. All were gone in seconds except one older lady with a cane that was standing in the center isle quivering with fear. She said, “Mr. Devil, i don’t know what you want here, but I’ve got only one thing to say. I’ve been a member of this church for 40 years, but I’ve really been on your side all the time.” So much for appearances and purity of commitment! To Read My Sermons: nnedaog.org/SERMONS/DENNIS.HTM
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 20:04:10 +0000

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