Everyone Here Has A Story We live in a world where behind - TopicsExpress


Everyone Here Has A Story We live in a world where behind those big smiles, everyone is injured deep inside,broken to the core.. In todays world, the most common disease is a broken heart which doesnt even hae a cure.. Everyone has their own story, a dark phase, maybe a horrible past, blurred memories, burnt places, everyone has something or the other that haunts them.. Everyone is moving with the fast pace of life, trying to catch up with things, trying to distract themselves somehow to ease the pain.. Nothing happens, the scars remain, some get healed, but some are deeper than tha pain itself. With every passing day they grow and hurt more, they suffocate you completely inside.. Life is misty, life is dark, life has it own secrets and mysteries, its not only you who is facing it, it is every onw you see around you.. You judge them without knowing their story, they might even do the same because they dont know yours.. Life is unfair, it snatches away everything you love. People leave, things fade, memories blur, but that isnt the end of your story, that is the end of that certain part or phase of your life.. Everyone out there is a fighter struggling for something or the other, yearning for something they have lost or might want to achieve. Its not only you who has pebbles on your path everyone has them, its upto you how to face them.. Never curse god for giving you troubles or problems, this is life, they are equally given to all.. Its just that some people choose to smile over it and go on with their life while others just sit back and mourn over it, curse yourself, life or destiny, but it wont set the things right or it wont bring the people from your past back.. You arent the only one out here with a dark story, everyone has.. Maybe you cant be happy, but be strong enough to face it.. Life would be easier if we stop judging others and thinking how they are luckier than us, stop cribbing and cursing destiny why it happened to us, rather stand up and fight for it and get more than what we deserve - Bcoz nothing comes easy, This life is worth fighting for. AaDii
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 15:57:03 +0000

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