“Everything we hear is an opinion and everything we see is a - TopicsExpress


“Everything we hear is an opinion and everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” -Marcus Aurelius “All states of consciousness are contagious. – Robert Lodge Groves Are you a member of a Hate Club or a Love Club? Has anyone tried to enroll you into a Hate Club? Have they been successful, and if so, to what degree? Are they using religion, politics, profession, popularity, finances, or fame as their leverage to control your consciousness? How about a Love Club? Lets examine the seven basic rules by which they live to recognize the patterns of conscious and unconscious behaviors to determine membership. Hate Club is most especially evident in politics. Political parties become progressive hate clubs over their lifetime. The first rule of Hate Club”: you must have an enemy. If you do hot have an enemy one will be appointed for you. The second rule of Hate Club: don’t talk about your fellow members in any way that they don’t talk about themselves except to control them for the benefit of Hate Club. The third rule of Hate Club: follow the formula of destruction and resurrection of said enemy with a formula called spin. The fourth rule of Hate Club: if your enemy dies or disappears then you must resurrect them in a new enemy by calling their replacement by the same name to frame them. Name them, blame them, and shame them to frame them and now you can game them for power over the minds of others to create a larger Hate Club. The fifth rule of Hate Club: Entice others to join Hate Club by promising them a perceived benefit. This benefit must be perceived as something that the enemy would take away or prevent them from getting what you promise. The sixth rule of Hate Club: always use the perceived benefit as a tool for control of members by Hate Club but fail to deliver all of the perceived benefit and blame the lack on their enemies so they will see you as their champion and savior. These benefits must also be applied unequally to keep them agitated enough to rally against a perceived enemy instead of Hate Club. The seventh rule of Hate Club: collect several types of enemies and categorize them in rotating order of perceived threat. This feeds Hate Club to grow multiple locations in multiple directions establishing control over all the population. This is why we would be wise to abandon party based politics, lest we become a nation of haters with one political party, a tyrannical dictator and legions of petty dictators trying to conquer the entire world establishing a one world order under total control. Love Club. The first rule of Love Club: Surrender to Love beyond that which you already know. The second rule of Love Club: Love yourself first with thankful gratitude for that Love from beyond. For you can only give what you have already in your heart. The third rule of Love Club: Freely be with others as you would have them be with you. The fourth rule of Love Club: Practice loving yourself instead of any judgment of self. This will automatically spread to others as a side effect. The fifth rule of Love Club: Let that ever beyond Love become incorporated into your thoughts, feelings, and actions in your moment to moment awareness as a disciplined practice. The sixth rule of Love Club: Allow Love to be your inspiration, wisdom to be your guidance, kindness to be your feeling, and gentleness to be in you actions of performance. The seventh rule of Love Club: Enjoy the reflection of the love you allowed from within yourself.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 03:47:09 +0000

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