...::FAKE NOISY INTERNET SELF ACCLAIMED INVESTOR/MARKETER::... Becareful with where and whom you invest your money with, most of this internet, info marketers are fake, not that they dont really make the money ooOo they do but make it more with ur cash and will never show u d gimicks. ASK ME HOW:: The answer is they grow their bank account with with the sweet words (newsletter) u read that attract u or seduce u into buying their product which most times are outdated information they are tired of using or that has actually faded out of market. They turn you to a dumping ground so you can pay them to get it... They imprison u to their list all in the name of mentorship, they want to mentor you just to keep u close to sell another dumb fake product or info again... ...::10 TIPS TO WATCH OUT FOR IN PICKING THE GOOD AND THE BAD GUYS::... 1. Some of them are actually rude: Yes some of this info marketers or self acclaimed internet made men/women are very rude, watch out for them for u wont learn anything from such, if u speak ur mind they delete u or insult u forgetting the fact that u have actually paid them to work... What will a rude person teach u? 2. Inability to explain the sales letter or advert: Dont blame him/her for their inability to explain what they actually advertised, they are not the sole writer, they actually employed someone to write the sales letter/ advert for them that actually enticed u. So they might not really be able to explain it properly. All they want is u just pay for the product u see. Rubbish! 3. They rush u to pay: becareful when their mail is the first thing u see with a topic Mr. X u are the only one remaining, if I close it now u will pay Nxxxxxx amount to get this info its all lie, they bug u with lots of mail like reminder and some went as far as contact u through ur mobile that their sms n call is number 1 on ur phone... Why the rush? 4. Cheap fee for expensive info: hmmm dear how can u be so sure of a man who said u should pay N5,000 for a product advertised with a worth of N10,000 why is he selling it cheap? Does he need money to go and pay for his wife dowry? Or oooook this information are outdated now they need to give it out at a very cheap price hahahahaha! 5. Daily sweet update: their update is just too much on different kind of online business with fake screen shot and edited video, u need to be very very careful with this not to be enticed, reason why is bcos their update with amount they make is very seductive but wen u pay them to get the materials or get tutored they wont be able to make such @ ur present and then the story will change... 6. Maintain a good relationship before subscribing: base on my little experience with internet gurus, I have come to a conclusion that becoming a true friend with them online n offline can help u by them telling u d truth on which product to sub for or not. Reason is bcos the advert they are placing might just be a recycling of what u already know. Power of friendship 7. They abandon the group or page they created: their page or group is not update with any info except when they have another seminar or product/info to sell again 8. They are not responding to questions thrown to them publicly: they find means to dodge every public question like the politician 9. They cant give u anything for free no matter how little: no matter how small yet great the info is they can share anything free on their blog, I know few who still share very expensive info for free on their blog or facebook page. This one they share dont mean they cant sale any other info but they decided to appreciate their fans/subscribers by sending such info to them free. (Good guy) 10. Check the comment on their post: some of the fake ones have issues with two or three people who must comment on their post to register their discomfort on the previous transacted business or deal which never worked out. There must be one insult or negative words from the comment on their post. Watch out! BONUS: When a product or info is advertised please make sure u let the seller know what u know, let him/her understand that u are into it already except for the novice, ask questions send them details of what u already know so u wont end up buying old and fake yet recycled product SEYI WHY ARE YOU SAYING ALL THIS? Because I have had bad and good eperiences which has made me carve whom to believe as far as online things are concerned. I have tested most of them, I have paid for their product even the ones reading this post now knows my cash is among those cash that has enriched his pocket ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY THERE ARE NO GUD GUYS ONLINE AGAIN? MY ANSWER IS YES and NO LET ME EXPLAIN PLEASE TAKE UR TIME AND READ TO UNDERSTAND MY EXPLANATION PLZ YES: in the sense that there no good ones most of the noisy one u see always online are just making noise, they wont offee what they advertised if not try some pay them and it will take weeks to get the info, even when it comes n u cant use it they wont respond on time to ur messages and later make u feel like u are bugging them. Yes bcos some of them should only invest and rake in their cash not to venture into organising seminar or online training becos they are not talented @ that. Stay away from guys like this HOW DO U IDENTIFY THEM? Good question jst like the style I use, I take it upon my self after using all the 10 points I listed above to add like 10 to 15 of their friends randomly send them messages to really know n inquire about this guy and their product hmmm be my guess on some respond I get. NO: there are good ones too, am not contraditing myself the reason for the NO is bcos I have actually deal with some which their services are ok, they speak less on fb they even speak less about the business except when being compel due to hoow good they are on the job. Some time I even contact them like hey guy why dont u let people attend a seminar and when they throw out a seminar they have good turn up. We still have this good ones who possess some of the qualities listed in the 10 points above Dear friends I have only written this short piece to warn u ahead of that internet biz u see online that want to entice u, please make ur research well before u make d payment NOTE: 1. I REALLY dnt care how u (fake info marketter) feel about this post our people cant be suffering from government problem, killing, poverty etc and u too want to take away the little money on them no thats not possible 2. Some will still have the guts to write me privately or comment here lol Composssed n Edited by: ~ Seyi S Adesina This this post has helped u please share it on ur wall so others innocent novice can see and understand. Thank u
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 08:05:43 +0000

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