[FANACC] 141007 Lays Birthday Party This is my first time - TopicsExpress


[FANACC] 141007 Lays Birthday Party This is my first time celebrating my favourite idols birthday together with him, and it is most possibly the last time in my life, because this chance is really hard to come by, so I must write a fanaccount to remember it by~ To remember this most beautiful memory~ When Yixing first appeared, the whole venue went mad, everyone was screaming. Everyone was holding a silver coloured balloon, when they waved it together the sight was really beautiful~ The fandom colour is really awesome! Maybe its because his Korean is a little bit rusty, so Yixing was a little nervous at the start~ He stumbled abit when he was speaking but he was really cute~ He looked really cute holding those cue cards~ And he even said that he will speak some Chinese and then there were really some very crucial parts where he spoke once in Chinese and once in Korean. Next up was playing the piano, it was really really nice~ Sadly I wasnt able to record it down for everyone to hear. After playing the piano he waked to the white stool at the side and was about to sit down when he suddenly paused and asked, Can I sit down? After he got our agreement he sat down obediently~ And then he said he wanted to talk about 5 points with everyone~ (I cant remember everything exactly here because it was too long. So ill just say the main points) The first point is about dreams~ He said that with regards to dreams, everyone is different and some may think that it is only an imagination, while some will work hard for their dreams~ He said that perhaps in everyones eyes he may look really tough on him and that he has no freedom. But he said he doesnt feel this way~ He said that when you want to have something, you must also give up something at the same time, so it isnt hard on him, but he is blessed instead~ Second point is with regards to life~ I didnt hear what he said properly so I wont describe it to you guys already~ Third point is about family. No matter whether one person success or fails he will always have his family by his side forever, so family is very important~ Fourth point is about job. There is no high or low in terms of job. It is only if the job suits oneself or not~ If it suits oneself then that is good. Fifth point is about money. He said he uses money as a basis to evaluate himself on whether he has suceeded or not. Especially for men~ Haha~ When it comes to our parents our siblings, there are times where you will need everyone to earn money to help the family and take care of the elders. (I think this is what he said, I couldnt really understand this part) I feel that Yixing is really mature on the inside and he is very realistic when it comes to the fans, everything he said are all very realistic words ^^ And then he said he wanted to sing a song for everyone and he said it is a very famous song in Korea, so all the Koreans will know this song~ And the Chinese kids may not know the song~ It is true I really didnt know the song... the Korean fans sang along with him at the start I am really envious! When it was him singing by himself it was really nice! I have never heard this song before so I dont know if he has made any improvisations to the song.... and then while Yixing was immersed in singing, the EXO members appeared! Ah ah ah ah ah~ This is the reaction of everyone. Yixing was shocked as well, you cant imagine how shocked he was~ The members took over his mic and continued sing, everyone was really touched. Yixing said that he didnt know at all, he only knew that Xiumin was here but he didnt think that the other members will come~ And then Baekhyun started singing the birthday song and led everyone in singing it. And then Suho said that this cake is personally handmade by the members... (that is impossible..... only the fire from the candle is handmade by the members....) And when everyone was quiet, Tao suddenly pulled a party popper (how cute) And next up was time for Yixing to make a wish~ Baekhyun kept fooling around~ He kept saying that because Yixing was wearing a crown so he is the Changsha Prince~ Chen said impatiently said, People are making their wish what are you doing... And then it was time to cut the cake~ Yixing said he needed the members to have all the members hands together, so everyone put their hands together and cut the cake~ Sehuns two hands were busy taking photos so he didnt go... no wonder Suho said that he was addicted to Instagram~~~ ^^ When it was time for the members to give their well wishes, Yixing told everyone to say one sentence. His Korean pronunciation wasnt very accurate and he mispronounced one sentence. Baekhyun kept imitating him and then even did the usual face that Yixing does, he made everyone laugh alot~ And then Baekhyun suddenly said, Let Xiumin hyung say one sentence! and Xiumin just smiled~ And I dont know why but he hugged Yixing tightly~ Really tightly.. and he even thanked everyone for attending Lays birthday party (he said this while hugging Yixing) And he was very grateful to Lay for taking good care of him whenever they were in China for activities. He initially wanted to take care of Lay while in Korea but Lay ended up taking good care of himself~ And then next was Tao~ Taos voice was really low, and then when he first started he kept calling him Lay~ and Chen immediately went, Its hyung! Tao said that even if he did not say anything, Lay will also understand everything~ Wishing Lay Happy Birthday~ (Starting from here my memory isnt very clear I will just say what I remember) Kai said that he hopes Lay hyung will not be sick and will always be healthy~ And he hopes that whatever that happens in the future will only be good things. When Kai said this, he swallowed and choked abit, but Xiumin who was standing beside him kept playing with the smoke machine and everyone started laughing~Suho said that he was very sorry to Lay~ but what he was sorry about I didnt hear! And when Suho was telling Lay I love you, Chen who was holding the knife used to cut the cake dropped it on the floor... the whole atmosphere was spoilt hahahaha Chenchens face was like I am wrong, dont hit me, really cute! Chen was the first one to wish Yixing happy birthday~ Yixing said that when on the plane, Chen walked over to him with a very cool look on his face, and then he tapped his watch, meaning that, it is your birthday already~ Baekhyun was the same as always, and lastly when he bumped shoulders with Yixing at the end, they looked really handsome. Sehun said that he hopes no matter whether it is 5 years later or 10 years later, but he hopes that they will be able to celebrate birthdays like this forever and ever. And then the members left the stage after the, and when Suho was leaving the stage he ran up to Yixing and stuffed something into his hand, but I dont know what he stuffed into Yixings hands. But Yixing thanked him really sweetly~ Next up was Yixings own stage~ We actually wrote some questions and some words we wanted to say to him on some slips of paper before hand. Yixing started off by taking two slips of paper that were written in Korean, and then he started to find papers written in Chinese within that mountain of papers, it was really touching, no matter where he goes he will always remember the Chinese fans~ Some of the questions include: Does Yixings body have any smell? When does Yixing feel the most blessed~ He said he decided to use a song to reply our questions~ It was a completely impromptu composition! Really nice to listen to and it was like a ballad, only that the lyrics were too funny. He actually sang, There is no smell on my body... The most blessed time is at a time like this when the fans are at my side.... It feels as though it is a confession~ At the end, he said he had some gifts to give to us~ Firstly it was one of his selcas, he was wearing his black mask and he said that he was in a very good mood that so he took some selcas~ The second photo was taken during Star Chef, it was one of him standing there obediently with the apron tied around his waist~ At that time Yixing took out the laser and then he pointed at the Star Chef logo on the apron and started explaining to the Korean fans about the show~ The third photo was an extremely cute collage of him~ He said that the fans always say that he is very cute so he wanted to see how cute can he be, so all these cute pictures appeared~ I really cannot describe how cute those photos were! And then it was the most important segment! The tshirts that Yixing designed himself. He showed his design draft to everyone and even explained to everyone his train of thoughts while designing the shirt~ He said that everyone ones he likes low-necked clothes so when he first designed the shirt it was meant to be low-necked~ But then he suddenly thought, no this cannot do! The fans are all girls how can i let them wear such a piece of clothing, it isnt good like that~ Haha so he changed the neckline to the ones that everyone can see now~ And then he also felt that girls seem to like butterfly sleeves, wide and loose so he showed the design with the butterfly sleeves to everyone and he even made a special note on the sleeves~ The back of the shirt had the word 兴 printed on it, because firstly his name has the 兴 word. And secondly because, 兴 is also in the word 高兴 (happy), so it has the meaning of helping Yixing. He initially wanted to write Thank You on the shirt but then there are many different languages you can write Thank You in, so he finally decided to use English because English is a universal language~ The heart on the shirt is because everytime during fansigns, the fans will tell him, Please draw a heart for me so he decided to add a heart to the shirt to satisfy everyones wishes~ He said that everyone must treasure this piece of clothing because he doesnt have money now after making all these clothes, when he has money he will make more clothes to give to everyone~ And he said he doesnt have the intention to sell this shirt, and he only wants to give it to the fans~ And then he personally gave the shirt to everyone, and then the fans took it as a chance to interact with him~ Yixing really treasures every single fan he has, he will look into your eyes and smile at you, and the light in his eyes will never lie to you, and at that time I really felt his sincerity~ It was really full of his love for the fans. His voice was very gentle, like the sunshine~ Just a few short seconds with him dissolved the tiredness I felt throughout the entire day, and at that time I thought, maybe he is really a unicorn? He really has the power to heal~ There was one fan who was on the wheelchair and was unable to go upstage to get the shirt, so he personally took one black and white shirt down the stage and let the fan to choose~ And after he took a group photo, he even went to take a solo photo with that fan~ He is really this warm and while was reluctantly leaving he kept telling the fans to be careful on the way home and did the L sign to everyone~ Yixing is really one person who treasures every single person, and we should all treasure him well~ To be able to have an idol like this is really a blessed thing~ Lastly I would like to say one thing, Zhang Yixing, thank you for giving me such a beautiful memory, I will keep it well~ And I also hope that you will continue to take good care of yourself, dont fall sick and dont injure yourself~ You must be happy forever~ Angel Yixing. cr: T-EGG茶蛋字幕组 | trans: lyuanz Yuki
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 12:14:17 +0000

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