[FANACCTS] SHINee filmed ‘Boys Meet U’ MV at a cafe in - TopicsExpress


[FANACCTS] SHINee filmed ‘Boys Meet U’ MV at a cafe in Okinawa, Japan #1 - A Japanese shawol (HAENEW1415) went to ZUMI CAFE and had a chat with the owner (ZUMI CAFE is where SHINee filmed Boys Meet U MV) #2 - During the filming break time, Onew would always talk to the staff and director while holding his script, making the owner thought, “Ah, this boy is definitely the leader". He said Onew was really an earnest person @HAENEW1415: MV撮影の合間のシャイニはオニュはずっとスタッフさんとか監督さんと台本を見ながら話しをしていてカフェのマスターもあぁ、この子がリーダーだな。とすぐ思ったそうです 凄く真面目な子と言ってました #3 - Minho fooled around, be around the counter and greeted, “Irasshaimase~ (Welcome)", every now and then teasing Key who was sitting. The owner was so worried that Minho might break stuff in his cafe. @HAENEW1415: ミノはお店のレジとかでいらっしゃいませーとか言って遊んでたそうで、座ってるキボミによくちょっかいを掛けてて、マスターはミノがお店の物を壊さないか凄く心配だったと(笑)w #4 - Key kept going to toilet to fix his hair, too frequent that the owner was about to wonder if he actually had problem with his stomach. Everytime he moved even just a bit, then he would fix his hair. Then, he suddenly was sitting alone at the sofa, staring into space. @HAENEW1415: キボミはマスターがお腹を壊したのかな?と思うくらい何回もトイレに行き髪型をいじってたそうで少し動くたんび髪型を直してたらしいです。でも、ふと見ると一人でぼーっとソファーに座っててたりしてたと言ってましたね #5 - Also, Jonghyun and Taemin were so quiet that they barely left any impression. They just sat and talked to each other. They both had the greatest aura but they were really quiet so there’s no impression left. But Taemin really had a pretty face and clear skin while Jonghyun, let’s just say his aura was great and he was so cool. @HAENEW1415: そして、じょんてむはあまり印象がないくらい凄く静かで2人で座って喋ってたそう。2人が1番オーラが凄かったって でも本当に大人しくて印象がないってw でもテミンは本当に綺麗な顔で透き通るような肌をしてたと、じょんはとりあえずオーラやばくてかっこよかったって #6 - They asked for cola and orange drinks so a staff brought it to them and when went back Key was tagging along. Then Key said, “Excuse me, one more iced coffee, please". Cute. @HAENEW1415: おスタッフさんがお店の人にコーラとオレンジを下さいと言い、持って行ってお店の人が厨房?中に帰るとき後ろからキボミがちょこちょこ付いてきて中に入ってきて「すみませんアイスコーヒーも1つ下さい」と言ってたそうです(笑)可愛いw #7 - The cafe packed them taco rice to take away when they left. Wonder if they ate it? (Taco rice: Okinawan cuisine, consists of taco-flavored ground beef served on a bed of rice , frequently also comes with shredded cheese, lettuce, tomato, and topped off with salsa - taken from wiki) @HAENEW1415: 帰りはシャイニにお店側がタコライスを持たせたそうで、食べてくれたかな(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? #8 - This could be a spoiler for the MV. They filmed this scene repeatedly. The five of them were sitting at the table, then Oomasa Aya (Japanese actress) entered and Onew nudged the member beside him, gesturing something like “Hey, look over there." @HAENEW1415: MVの内容ネタバレになっちゃうなもしれないけど、テーブルに5人で座ってたら入口から大政あやさん?が入ってきてじんぎが(おい、あれ見ろよ)みたいな感じで隣に座ってる人を小突くというシーンを何回も撮ってたそう^^ #9 - In short, Minho and Key fooled around, Jonghyun and Taemin quietly chatting, Onew discussing in serious manner with the staff. SHINee is a carefree group♡ @HAENEW1415: とりあえず撮影合間はミンキでわちゃわちゃ、じょんてむが大人しく笑談、じんぎが真面目にスタッフと打ち合わせってな感じ自由すぎるしゃいに♡ #10 - This could be a spoiler for the MV. Their sitting arrangement at the table - It’s a round table, they sat in 3-2 position. 3: Onew ☞ Taemin ☞ Key, on the other side, 2: Jonghyun ☞ Minho … maybe. @HAENEW1415: ネタバレかもしれませんが、5人で座ってる席順も聞いたんだけど丸いテーブルを挟んで一人づつ椅子に座ってて3人と2人に別れてて3人で座ってるとこがじ んぎ☞てみん☞きぼみ 向いの2人はじょん☞ミノ と曖昧だけどそんな感じで座ってたかも!とも言ってました #11 - This could be a spoiler for the MV. I asked whether their dance was the powerful type, the owner answered that it wasn’t aggressive, but there’s a part where they jumped in front of the counter. @HAENEW1415: これまたMVのネタバレになるかもしれませんが、私がマスタにシャイニは今回激しいダンスとか踊ってました?と聞いたら激しくないけど、ここで(レジの目の前のスペース)飛び跳ねてたよーと!(笑)かわええ #12 - Not related to the filming, but everyone in ZUMI CAFE is kind. The owner asked whether I am a SHINee fan and where I’m from and then shared a lot of story about the filming. This is really a pleasant place. And the food is nice too. Not saying this just because SHINee filmed here. @HAENEW1415: ズミカフェさんは本当に親切でマスターからシャイニのファンなの?どこから来たの?とか撮影の合間とかの話しをたくさんしてくれて凄く居心地良かったで す!!!しかもこれまた美味しいんですよねしゃいにが来たお店とかじゃなく純粋に店の内装や食べ物が楽しめるお店でした^^常連なろう(笑) After reading, aren’t you more excited for the full MV of ‘Boys Meet U’?! The Summer Beach with our boys, and a female lead! Look Forward! Source: Owner of Zumi Cafe (in Okinawa), HAENEW1415 (Japanese Shawols) English Translations:redndazzling
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 07:58:01 +0000

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