[FANCAFE] IT’S FINALLY THE START! Hello ARMYs~~ it’s Jimin! - TopicsExpress


[FANCAFE] IT’S FINALLY THE START! Hello ARMYs~~ it’s Jimin! We Bangtan have finally had our first comeback performance with our second album and N.O.! We’ve come back and are promoting with an album called O! RUL8, 2?..it makes me deeply touched and teary..ㅜㅜ Everyone worked really hard on this album, you know.ㅎ We wanted to have a comeback quickly. We finally had our first comeback performance today! I was really nervous. I kept thinking “I need to show a good image today since it’s our first comeback performance after releasing our second album!” and “I need to show them a cooler image!”…thinking these things made me really nervous. I was always disappointed when I stepped off the stage, but today…….I thought about a lot of things on stage today. It was half anxiety, half excitement but I think I was able to successfully complete the performance today because of the cheers of our ARMYs. We’ll be a Bangtan that will continue sending strong messages and earn loud cheers. This album is about happiness. It asks the question, “Are you (really) living a happy life?” I want our ARMYs to be happy while watching our performances and listening to our music! Please watch over us!!! ^^ I’ll write until here for today. I hope you have a comfortable night~ Thank you. ARMYs!! Fancafe post link: cafe.daum.net/BANGTAN/jbaQ/31 Trans cr; Christie @ bts-trans
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 16:47:20 +0000

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