:FASTING: Ok this is a subject which tends to kick a few sparks - TopicsExpress


:FASTING: Ok this is a subject which tends to kick a few sparks up :-) First of all what is it? Fasting is when you remove something from your diet for a preset length of time. This can be anything really? But in this situation we are talking about the entire food set, but still allowing for water consumption. Why have a brought this up today? Because I have been fasting since my last meal last night and will continue for 24 hours. So I ate curry at 10pm last night and shall now consume nothing till 10pm tonight. But why? Our digestive system is constantly on the go as we eat and digest a mixture of foods throughout the day and night. It can become stressed and starts to dysfunction. Much of out food intake is energy for the process of digestion which removes that energy from other bodily functions such as immune response, muscle growth, bone density improvement etc. It is healthy to allow our bellies to rest every now and again as this is done by almost all animals in the animal kingdom. During the rest period the belly starts to clean itself and gets chemicals back to level as well as organising food which is already there. We as humans eat a lot of man made and processed foods which are heat treated and manipulated, such as hydrogenated fats and cooked foods. We are designed to naturally digest foods which are processed and the goodness removed. But once food is heated or interacted with it confuses our natural digestive process and our bodies do not recognise the food anymore and see it as toxic or indigestible. So the colon and small intestine has to work hard to make the most of what it has and get it through the system. Also meat can get lodged or jammed in the digestive tracts and can in later days cause a great deal of trouble for us. So by consuming water to hydrate ourselves and restraining from food consumption for a period of time, we give power back to our bellies to try and mend them selves. Eating too much and eating the wrong foods will put access strain upon our digestive system and our natural equilibrium is knocked off. By allowing mending time we attempt to re align our natural body equilibrium so we get all we need from the controlled diet we eat. ANOTHER REASON FASTING IS GOOD. If you are wanting to lessen the mass of your belly, a fast will allow for your belly to empty. Once you have emptied your belly down, you can take part in core training to tighten the global core muscles and diaphragm. This will re train your diaphragm down in size and you will become fuller sooner so your requirement to becoming full after meals is improved and you want to eat less. Each time you do this you will see an improvement in waist size. But good constructive core exercises are required to ensure core control is achieved. I am doing a 24 hour fast detox, but some people prefer to do 48 hours. If you are considering doing a digestive fast please ensure you eat good healthy food before hand to ensure the food going through during the fast is going to empower you and not hinder. Plus drink lots a water to ensure good hydration. Hope this helps some one.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:49:04 +0000

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