“Faithful Suffering” Romans 5.1-11 Main Point: Faith in - TopicsExpress


“Faithful Suffering” Romans 5.1-11 Main Point: Faith in Christ brings peace with God and joy-filled hope… even in suffering. 1a: “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith…” Justification is the immediate legal act of God in which He considers our sins forgiven & credits Christ’s righteousness to us, declaring us to be righteous in his sight. Notice the grammatical tense of verse 1 – since we have been justified.” The work of justification is done, finished, accomplished. Just before Jesus died on the cross, He proclaimed, “It is finished.” This means everything promised and everything needed for our redemption was accomplished. Nothing was left undone. Christ’s mission was accomplished. However, we see that we are “justified by faith.” Faith is not the source of justification; it is how we receive it. Faith in Christ is the way (path) by which we receive God’s gift of justification. Without faith one is not justified. By faith we are justified the moment we put our faith & trust in Christ. What are the practical benefits of justification? And what does it have to do with our suffering? 1. We have peace with God. 1b: “we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” When we think about peace we understand that there are subjective & objective aspects to it. As we consider our own life experiences, we know that we do not always since peace – or feel the direct effects of it. When we as Christians sin, our consciences are rightly troubled as we feel the conviction of our sin. Honestly, at times it does not feel that we are at peace with God. We may practically sense that we are experiencing the wrath of God. But Christian, we are no longer under the wrath of God. Though the battle continues. We are at peace with God because our peace is not based (key word) on our subjective experience. Our peace with God is based on the objective truth of what God did for us through the person & work of Jesus Christ. He has won the victory – and that victory brings ultimate peace with God. Romans 8:1: There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…. Christian, this is good news. Though we may displease God in how we live, grieve him in by choices we make, suffer consequences that result from our sin or as a result of our fallen & sin-filled world, know this, we are no longer under the condemning wrath of God. Sin’s debt has been by Christ on the cross. Those who are in Christ – repented & received forgiveness – are no longer enemies of God. We are at peace with God… forever. In Romans 5:6-11 Paul explains how guilty & condemned sinners receive peace with God: 6: “For while we were still weak [morally weak & unable], at the right time Christ died for the ungodly…. 8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood [redeemed], much more shall we be saved [rescued] by him from the wrath of God. 10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved [delivered] by his life. 11 More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation [changed from one condition to another].” Christ death reconciled to God. Christ’s resurrected life rescued us. This peace, reconciliation, & salvation is available for all. John 3.16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” 2. We have access to God. 2a: “Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand…” While we were once barred from entering the presence of God because of our sin, we now – because of Christ’s finished work – may enter the presence of God without fear of His wrath. Now we may enter His presence with reverence & a bold confidence because of the grace & mercy He has freely extended to us through His Son. 3. We have future assurance of God. 2b: “we rejoice in hope of the glory of God…. “ Typically when we say we hope – it is more like a wish. For example: We hope the Dbacks have a better season next year. We hope the Cardinals go to the Super Bowl. We hope – really hope – things will work out. When we use the word “hope,” it does not mean that it will work out that way. It may or may not work out how we hope it does. This is not the same as our hope in God. R.C. Sproul: “Hope is not taking a deep breath and hoping things are going to turn out all right. It is the assurance that God is going to do what he says he will do.” Romans 5:25 could be rendered “we are joyfully confident of the glory of God.” Here the glory of God refers to the state of “God-like-ness.” Speaking of our glorified state in eternity. This state is not possible now because of man’s sin & rebellion against God, but will be realized when Christ returns to make all things new & perfect. This is the reason for our joyful hope & confidence, even though in life we are frustrated by our present failures to be all that God desires us to be. When our hope is in God we know it is not wishful thinking because it is not based on us – who we are. Christian hope is grounded in who God is. This means that God’s glory & promise – His Name, Word, Dignity, & Holiness are on the line. And He will not fail to bring to completion what He has said he will do… 5: “[This] hope does not put us to shame [it does not disappoint us], because Gods love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us…” This is from the same God who says: “I am the LORD. I have spoken; it shall come to pass; I will do it” (Ezekiel 21:14b). Though we waver and may even doubt as we are beaten by the storming waves of this life, our Anchor holds! It has been rightly said: “The only difference between hope and faith is that faith looks to what has already taken place, and we put our trust in it. Hope is merely faith looking forward.” 4. We have present joy in God. 3a: “Not only that [rejoicing in the future & certain hope of the glory of God] – but we rejoice in our sufferings…” Verse 3 is shocking. The world says such thinking is delusional… or worse. Here Paul doesn’t take a defensive stance to try and fend off would-be attackers, he goes on the offensive to leave no doubt in the minds of believers. He says, not only do sufferings not overthrow the reality of the blessings he has shared, the sufferings themselves are occasions for joyful boasting. Because we have peace with God, access into His presence, and the joy of future glory, we then have a whole new perspective of our present life… and sufferings. All suffering is a consequence of sin in this world – perhaps yours, perhaps not. Our suffering may just be a consequence of the fallen nature our world – not the direct result of a specific sin in your life. “All suffering betrays the presence of the enemy [Satan] and involves attacks on our relationship with Christ” (Douglas Moo). This is a hard truth, but truth nonetheless. We must not ignore it or attempt to explain it away. To do so, is to dilute the glory of God and the sufferings of Christ. Until we understand suffering as it relates to the Christian life we will not understand suffering or the Christian life. The gospel of Christ is the answer to how we understand suffering and the Christian life. When trials & suffering hit, question often arise: Why me? Why is this happening? Does God not care about my suffering? Does God not care about me? Where was God? Where is God? God is where He was when His Son was crucified on the cross for you. Where is God in our sufferings? The same place He has always been – on His Sovereign & Eternal Throne. “Rejoicing in our sufferings” DOES not mean that the suffering is enjoyable. Suffering is real. This is not a theoretical exercise. Pain is… well… painful. Losing a job bewilders us. Cancer crushes us. Miscarriages devastate us. Death of loved ones hurts. We could go on… So how do believers rejoice in our sufferings? 3b: “[by] knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character [proven genuineness of our faith], character produces hope, And as we’ve already seen – that hope does not disappoint. So, we know that even if we lose everything the world can give us, we can never lose what God has given us – because of that we are able to rejoice in whatever the life may bring – even sufferings. 2 Corinthians 4:8: We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed... Because we have peace with God, access to God, assurance of God, and joy in God we can rejoice in our sufferings because we know we have a present & future hope that does not put us to shame. Faith in Christ brings peace with God and joy-filled hope… even in suffering. Now What? 1. Those in Christ: Live joyfully in the certainty of the promise of God. No one who has placed their faith & trust in Christ will receive God’s wrath & condemnation against sin. Our present sufferings are meant to show & strengthen our faith & joy in Christ because we have been reconciled to God. 2. Those without Christ: Receive God grace. Be reconciled. You too have the opportunity to live in the certainty of the promise of God. Let present sufferings draw you to God so that you may receive His gracious love and be reconciled to Him in the person & work of Christ. For those who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ – this life is as good as it gets. For those who do have a relationship with Jesus Christ – this life is a bad as it gets. There is hope. There is grace. Come to the cross – receive forgiveness and be reconciled to God. Receive His peace. Know His joy. John 3.16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” Do you believe? Grace & Peace, Pastor Chris
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 20:36:05 +0000

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