Far infrared and the blood stream NASA uses far infrared to - TopicsExpress


Far infrared and the blood stream NASA uses far infrared to assist in cardiac conditioning because a 30 minute far infrared sauna session can be as good to the cardiovascular system as a six mile run. Because infrared penetrates deeper than traditional heat sources and dilates blood vessels, it can help lower blood pressure, improve circulation, boost cell metabolism, smooth the walls of the blood system and increase production of endorphins and white blood cells. The blood gains vigor which helps create a stronger immune system, normalized cholesterol, better energy, faster healing from injuries and improved oxygen levels. Far infrared, stress and weight loss Far infrared can help liquefy fat and speeds up its elimination. For many, a 30 minute session can burn 300 calories. FIR stimulates our hypothalamus, the part of our body that controls neurochemicals. This can mean better sleep, pain relief, lower body acidity and improved moods with less stress. The heat can also prevent growth of molds and bacteria. Far infrared can produce two to three times the amount of sweat that youd get in a conventional sauna because they operate at lower temperatures but heat penetrates deeper. If you cant stand high heat saunas, far infrared is what you need. Its also better for people with fragile health or cardiovascular risk factors since the lower temperatures dont dramatically elevate pressure and heart rates. Doctors have known for centuries that sweating can provide better health and relief from illness and disease. Parmenides, a famous Greek physician, said over 2,000 years ago, give me a chance to create fever, and I will cure any disease. promolife/cart/saunas/far-infrared-saunas detoxthebodymcs/
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 20:01:31 +0000

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