Figures Fox news confirms Hofts BS claims that Wilson was - TopicsExpress


Figures Fox news confirms Hofts BS claims that Wilson was severely beaten by Brown. Why do I call BS on this? Because I actually have a brain and can use this handy little thing called critical thinking. But I also have this wonderful ability to collect facts. So lets begin. First, here is the Fox bullshit pro-police propaganda: foxnews/us/2014/08/20/missouri-cop-was-badly-beaten-before-shooting-michael-brown-says-source/ Now, lets discuss: 1. Here (mediaite/tv/somebody-else-needs-to-see-this-new-video-emerges-of-brown-shooting-aftermath/) is footage of officer Wilson pacing around next to Browns body after he murdered him. According to the Foxs source: Wilson suffered severe facial injuries, including an orbital (eye socket) fracture, and was nearly beaten unconscious by Brown moments before firing his gun. Does Wilson look severely injured to you? Is he remotely dizzy from being beaten nearly unconscious? Is he holding his boo-boo or does he appear to have any blood on his person or uniform? Is there an ambulance treating him? Is the second officer with him tending to his wounds? Nope. 2. If Wilson was attacked by Brown, why would an anonymous source need to reveal this information to Fox news? Would this not be part of the police report and therefor, part of the public record? In other words, the source should be named and the evidence made public. 3. Why would information such as this not be released immediately after the shooting? If Wilson was so severely injured, then releasing this information straight away could have entirely prevented the riots and such. Yet the PD waits 10 days and initially releases claims that Brown robbed a store nearby (now proved to be a lie); and that Brown had pot in his system (an anonymous source again). Surely, if they were so willing to smear this young man, then something as compelling as the truth would have been much easier, no? 4. Finally, let us assume for a moment that Brown did beat up Wilson. Even in this fantasy account, however, Wilson does not allegedly fire at Brown as Brown was assaulting him. Wilson fired as Brown was running away- after the alleged assault. In other words, still not self-defense. I find it remarkable that anonymous sources (read PD) are leaking this crap now and frankly, it is only going to make the public distrust anything else they say even more.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 01:45:28 +0000

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