(Foda. Márcia Xavier e Raphael Smith) Its - TopicsExpress


(Foda. Márcia Xavier e Raphael Smith) Its important to note that the Earths axis of rotation is extremely stable. If it wasnt, the Earths tilt would be very wobbly, resulting in inconsistent and unpredictable seasonal lengths like the ones portrayed in Game of Thrones. But thankfully we have the Moon. Or more specifically, we have a very large moon. The Earths moon is disproportionately large compared to other planetary satellites in the solar system. And without it, there might not be any seasons, or the seasons could be very different than what were used to. The Moon has the effect of stabilizing the tilt of the Earths rotational axis. Without it, Earth would be a wobbly mess. Now, back to Game of Thrones — in the episode The Kingsroad, we learn that Westeros has at least one moon. Its very possible, therefore, that they have a very small or distant moon, that is causing a variable tilt in their planets rotational axis. Its interesting to note that, according to legend, Westeros used to have two moons, but one wandered too close to the sun and it cracked from the heat pouring out a thousand thousand dragons. Well, dragons aside, its conceivable that some kind of cataclysmic celestial event could have wiped out their second moon, which would have thrown their planets rotational axis out of whack. As for our situation here on Earth, were not completely immune from this problem. If our moon got knocked out of its current orbit, say by a massive object or a nuclear explosion, we would be in quite a bit of trouble.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 04:13:58 +0000

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