> > > Free Gas Stations in Poor Black Neighborhoods > This is - TopicsExpress


> > > Free Gas Stations in Poor Black Neighborhoods > This is unreal! > > In case you were wondering how our Federal Government, under some hidden > term of Obamacare, could spend another $2 billion a year of our hard earned > tax money---here it is! Welcome to the world of Socialism and buying votes, > aka. prior to the 2014 Midterm Elections.. > > > > Subject: Fwd: Government Opening Free Gas Stations in Poor Black > Neighborhoods Communism at its best, brought to you by the Obama > administration. > Hey, its not easy when you have to drive a lot ...... pick up free phones, > free food and cashing those welfare checks can burn a lot of fuel. > Our government is determined to destroy all stable systems. > dailycurrant/2013/10/29/government-opening-free-gas-stations-in-p > oor-neighborhoods/ > Government Opening Free Gas Stations in Poor Neighborhoods Oct 29, 2013 > First Obamastation Debuts in Detroit, Seventy Planned Nationwide As the > battle over Obamacare rages in Washington, the White House is quietly using > a little known provision of the law to roll out a nationwide network of free > gas stations for minorities and the poor. > According to a report in The Detroit News this morning, the administration > is using its authority under the Affordable Care Act to improve > transportation routes to hospitals to dispense gasoline free of cost in > disadvantaged neighborhoods. > The $2 billion-a-year program aims to distribute 40 million gallons of free > gasoline each year through 70 new gas stations constructed in major > metropolitan areas. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) will > be responsible for operating the network, whose first station opened > yesterday in Detroit. > Its not something were publicizing very much, for obvious reasons, > explains Dori Salcido, assistant DHS secretary for public affairs. But > under the law we are well within our rights to offer this service, and we > think its good public policy. > How are people supposed to get to the doctors office if they dont have > gas in their cars? Health insurance is worthless if you cant make your > appointment. This is just another fine example of government stepping in and > solving big problems. > No Gas for You > Although some developing oil-rich nations like Venezuela and Indonesia > subsidize gasoline for the poor, the practice has never before been tried in > the United States. The plans are proving controversial with some taxpayers > who are loathe to see their money go to subsidize others. > So basically Im being punished for not living in the ghetto, says Colin > Blair, a white person from the affluent Detroit suburb of Farmington Hills. > I have three kids and a mortgage. Life isnt cheap for me either. I could > use some free gasoline too. > An investigation into the stations operations, however, reveals that Blair > is unlikely to be able to use the service. > Supposedly access to the station is determined by income, says Ebony > Jackson, manager of the first Obamastation. But its pretty unrealistic to > do an income check on each and every driver. So what we do is basically let > all the black people pump for free, and charge all the white people the > market rate. > The Obamastations scandal was uncovered by Nolan Finley , a conservative > Detroit News columnist widely lauded for his groundbreaking > exposé .detroitnews/article/20130825/OPINION01/308250002+&cd=17&hl=en&ct=clnk&g > l=us> on Obamaphones. Finley says the blatant racial bias in the program is > only one of its many outrageous aspects. > The stations have Obama campaign logo on them and giant photos of the > president, he explains. Hes trying to buy votes ahead of the midterm > elections. This is something you normally only see in third world countries. > Ive never been more scared for our democracy.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 17:05:02 +0000

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