“Freedom” Who is Vince Ironside? I think the hardest thing - TopicsExpress


“Freedom” Who is Vince Ironside? I think the hardest thing for a man to do in life is to look at himself in a mirror and give an honest opinion of whom and what he is. What is important, what have been his successes and failures and what is his future. The first question that I always get from readers is “Why are you so confrontational”? To answer that, I think it is important to get some background information, thus this article. I was raised in a family that was surrounded by the military, Dad, Brothers, Uncles and Cousins, all in the military. My family fought in every war and conflict since WWII. We’ve also paid a price for America, In Korea and Vietnam. We flew the flag; we celebrated holidays like they were meant to be celebrated, Memorial Day (Remembering the service men and women who paid the ultimate price), Veterans Day (Remembering those who served), Christmas (Remembering that it wasn’t about presents, but the birth of the Savior of the world). You get the picture. Surprising enough, I came into my teenage years as a Liberal, it was post Nixon and after what he did, who could trust Republicans. It wasn’t until I went into the military though that I began to see what democrats could do to a country. Carter’s failures in the economy and national defense were a spotlight on weakness. I voted for the first time in 1984 and surprising enough it was for Ronald Reagan. I was still too young to vote for him in his first term and didn’t much care for politics at the time. Reagan grew on me; I saw what he was doing for the military after years of dismantling during the Carter and Ford years. He had a positive attitude and message plus I liked Nancy Reagan, she reminded me a lot of my own mom. It really wasn’t until 1988 that I began to take seriously the nature of politics in America. So what happened in 1988? There was this guy who came on the radio at noon on our local station named Rush Limbaugh. So I switched away from the noon metal feast on the FM side and switched to the AM dial. I never regretted it. At first I didn’t know what to think about Limbaugh, I thought this guy is crazy, but at the same time he is pointing out things that I believe. I will never forget this one caller named Rita from Detroit, a typical liberal, Limbaugh carried on a dialog that forever changed my life. Compassion was there, yet not giving an inch on his fundamental conservative beliefs. It was during this time that I started my family and rebirthed my life by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. That path is a private thing that isn’t going to get talked about here. I know there are Christians out there that say oh you need to share your testimony, no I don’t. When Bill Clinton was elected, it was pretty devastating because I knew that it was going to change the face of America forever. Although Bill was pretty much an idiot and I thought so from the very beginning, Hillary on the other hand was a dangerous person, I watched her like a hawk and saw that she was pulling many strings and Bill was merely a puppet. The one thing that stood out to me was the constant lying that was going on, I felt that it was Nixon in the White House, but nobody would listen. I cried the night that Clinton got re-elected. It was I felt the end of America as I knew it, I knew that I had lost the America that I grew up in and the Liberals were firmly entrenched now. I remember turning on the radio the day after the election and Rush coming on with one of the most positive messages I’ve ever heard. That was the last day that I would ever feel sorry for myself, the last day that I would ever allow a Liberal to dictate what kind of life or future me and my family would have. I started to become involved in rallies and small events put on by some conservative groups and much to my surprise experienced the full venom of the Left personally. I was called a racist, homophobe and things that I’m not going to reprint here. After that first rally, I went home and thought, what the hell are these people talking about; I’m none of those things. After a couple more rallies, I began to see a pattern of how the Liberals acted; it was the same chants, the same accusations, the same talking points. I saw the left for what they were, a bunch of mind numb robots marching to the orders of the politicians and union bosses, it was almost liberating, this realization. Then came 9-11, I remember hearing on the radio that a small plane had hit one of the twin towers. When I got to the office, the TV was on and everyone was gathered around watching, it was at this precise moment that the second plane hit the second tower, I just stood there in shock. Not a piece of work was done that day, we all just sat in silence watching and watching, I remember one girl say “Oh my God, those are people jumping” we all got in closer and damned if those people weren’t jumping from the building, I just thought to myself if that was me, would I jump or stay? I realized that was an impossible decision to make in the comfort of my office watching the drama play out a big screen TV. That memory is forever ingrained into my mind, people jumping from a building, one after another, jumping. To this day whenever a see base jumpers jumping from buildings and acting like they’re the bravest thing ever, I think to myself, yeah do it without a parachute dude, you’re a fool. After 9-11 and Bush’s decision to go into Afghanistan, I was happy, happy that at last America was not going to take it anymore, I remembered Clinton’s failures, I remembered Carter’s failure’s and yes even Reagan’s after Beirut. When Bush decided to go into Iraq, I was conflicted, why are we going after this idiot, we should be going into Saudi Arabia, that’s where these assholes came from, but off we went and my support was with our troops and my President. The ensuing years after 9-11 found me at rallies supporting our troops and confronting leftist. After one confrontation with a guy stomping on an American flag, I decided that I was going to take my skills developed in the military and the private sector and head off to work in Iraq. I spent two and a half years in Iraq in with our troops then headed to Afghanistan where I sit today writing this blog. Oh yeah it makes sense now doesn’t it, why your messages don’t get answered until hours after you write them, why my articles don’t get posted until the early morning. Why sometimes several days go by without hearing anything from me, question answered. I am a American, just like you, I sat on my butt watching others do the rallies, do the fighting until one day I said “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore”! I’ve seen the youth of our nation sacrifice everything for America; I’ve seen the terrorists who because of their complete ignorance of the written word follow everything that some Islamist Imam says. Now I know that not all Americans can do what I’ve done, and that’s OK, not everyone is cut out for this. But you can like I did, become more than a butt in a chair, America needs you, she is crying out for help like never before. I became involved with the Tea Party where I live several years ago. They like I share a common goal, the restoration of America in the way our forefathers envisioned it and paid for it in blood. Do I agree with everything 100%? Of course not, but the only thing that I’ve ever agreed with totally is the bible. The Tea Party gave me an opportunity to know that I wasn’t alone in my beliefs; there were others who like me were tired of the status quo. Now to answer the most asked question of all. Vince why do you cuss and carry on the way you do, don’t you think that you’re turning off readers? First I have a great deal of passion for what I believe, I believe that we have the opportunity to for once make a difference and restore America. The left whether at rallies or in the mainstream media accuse the right (conservatives) of being bigots, racists, homophobes and everything else negative they can think of, this is done to persuade the rail riders that they need to avoid being us as much as possible. My philosophy is if you don’t like what I write, exercise your freedom to unlike my page and find something more to your liking. I have met the leftist, they are blow hard wimps, and oh they’ll act big and bad like Chris Matthews, Bill Maher and so on. This gets passed on to those who attend the anti-American leftist rallies who spit on the flag and so on. The right is afraid, yes afraid of confrontation with these people because they think the left is big and bad, that my friend is an illusion. The left is made up of a bunch of skinny little kids who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground, I put a picture on my timeline of some occupy wall street guy taking a shit on our flag, look at the guy, really take a close look, a skinny punk. If I would have been there, I would have let that little skinny camera hog finish his business then I would have snatched his ass up and planted his face squarely in that nice little pile of shit he had just put on that flag. Which picture would have been better, him shitting on the flag or me planting his face in it? But back to the question, I am a Joe six pack, I am the American who like most I know would have been the one who when Paul Revere came riding up, I would have kissed my wife and hugged my kids and gone off to shot up some red coats. Now I may cuss, and I may get in your face, but I do it because I’m not some tea totting wimp. I sat on the sidelines long enough until the coach inside of me put me in the game, now I’m playing the game and I’m going to beat my opponents on the field of play. I do not advocate violence, but if you get in my face screaming and all that, you’re going to find yourself on your ass, like any man would do. Cussing, sorry I work with and am around Alpha Dogs all day long, you know type “A” personalities. It’s just the way it is, some of you vets will understand. Now last but not least, Obama. Yes he is the President, freely elected by a majority of Americans who for whatever reason found him to be the man for the job. But he is the biggest danger to this country more so than the Soviets, Chinese or al-Queda. I see what he doing and it actually frightens me, but like a wild dog, when you corner me, I’m going fight back. Obama is a product of his environment, he has his entire life been surrounded by and affiliated himself with radical leftist. These people hate America and its system of government, they are hell bent on destroying it and will stop at nothing to accomplish that. So why are we surprised when Obama starts to dismantle everything that we hold precious? So how did I personally fight against the government, well first I got with likeminded people and we begin to organize ourselves. Then we got more and more likeminded people and we protested, we voted and we got more and more people in the fold. But there is always the silent crowd who has never been involved in politics their entire lives and they need to be reached. So what is the future of the movement? Well we march; we confront those who hate us not to persuade them to our side, because trust me if they’re out there protesting for their side, they’re fanatics, but to show them we’re tired of being pushed around, accused of being something we’re not and we’re not going to take it anymore. But always remember this, as a conservative you will never gain the approval of the leftist media machine, so stop trying. Like Martin Luther King, we march, by the millions, like the war protesters of the 60’s we march on the Mall in Washington, we protest in front of the White House and we have our voices heard. We have our voices heard by the Rhino Republicans who want to retain their power, by the Liberal elite who count on our disorganization; to never pull off this off. Oh how they pray that we never succeed in actually giving the government back to the people. That is what I personally strive for. When the factions of the conservative movement unite and stop their petty bickering and their own plays for control of the conservative movement, then we’ll be a force that cannot be stopped, until then we’re everything that the left accuses us of. I refuse to accept that as a conservative I am a second class citizen. I refuse to listen to the naysayers who decry the doom of America. Can it happen? No doubt it can. I do believe though that there is a majority of Patriotic Americans who just need a bit of prodding to get going, kind of like an old Chevy on a cold morning and we’ll be on our way to prosperity and freedom. We are so close to a police state that it’s frightening, but as more and more Patriots come along for the ride we will ultimately prevail. I will not give up, too many of America’s young have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. White, black, yellow and brown skinned Americans, from all faiths have bleed into the dirt and dust of America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the Pacific for me to give up. I have seen the shit holes of the world; I have seen totalitarian governments and what they can do to their own people. I have seen the poor and down trodden the uneducated and ignorant. We as Americans live in the greatest nation ever conceived by the minds of man. God, yes God has bestowed upon us the wonderful gift of freedom and into our hands he has given the stewardship to preserve or lose it. I pray that God gives me the strength and courage to persevere even in the darkest of hours. Vince.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 09:28:55 +0000

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