* From Siliguri, Holding #Sikkim to Ransom! * A press release - TopicsExpress


* From Siliguri, Holding #Sikkim to Ransom! * A press release by a mysterious group who claim to represent the College Students of Sikkim is shamelessly soaked in political rhetoric. We separated the signals from the noise. Heres what the statement really means, clause-by-clause. Looks like it was drafted by a political outfit rather than any group of students. Hmm, we wonder who? 01. Everything is the administrations fault. They duped some of us into signing an agreement. Those who negotiated with the Govt. betrayed us. Traitors! 02. Even we dont know who actually represents the Students. 03. We believe in absolutes. Its either our way or the highway (pun intended) 04. Yeah, some idiots really went wild and pelted stones at police, vandalized public property and set things on fire. But hey, you cant punish anyone for them. We dont give a damn if all that is illegal. We want a guarantee that law will not apply to them. 05. We thought blocking a national highway was the obvious way to protest a fee hike. Naturally, all of this is the HRD Ministers fault and he should apologize to us. 06. Oh wait, we forgot Chamling. Yes, its all Chamlings fault! 07. This civilized negotiation thing is bullsh*t. Lets go back to the good old medieval days. All the public should gather around and do a thumbs up or thumbs down. What say!? Itll be so much more exciting! 08. One man committee is a sham! We want a 3-person committee. 2 of them should be from Civil Society, and one should be a retired Judge. Nobody from the administration should be part of it. 09. And the evergreen 371F. Lets plug this is as well since were at it. Sikkim Subject holders must have special reservation in Sikkim University. 10. Every student must be admitted. No matter their grades, or the capacity in Colleges to even teach them. Admission = Quality Education. No? 11. We cant spell fair properly. The Govt. should give it in writing that the correct spelling of fair will henceforth be fare. 12. You guys bribed the group that negotiated with you! How unfair. So now were writing this really long press release in the hope that well see some action as well. You know what we mean ;) 13. Govt. giving in writing that they will construct infrastructure = actual construction of infrastructure. Yeah, we actually believe it is really that simple. Finally, all of us should get together an take down this Government. Yeah, you too police. Come join us. Together well wreck havoc. Go Anarchy!!! The original release posted by Talk Sikkim is available here: https://facebook/TalkSikkim/posts/744465115609962
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:33:53 +0000

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