#G13..As we are blessed with another day of life..Give thanks to - TopicsExpress


#G13..As we are blessed with another day of life..Give thanks to God for allowing such possibilities to take place in our existence here on Earth..Good..Bad..Indifferent..we must continue to strive for a better tomorrow for each and every one of us..Remember..Each life has meaning..a purpose to exist and thrive just as the next person..although there are people out there in the world..that only thinks of themselves..not realizing the big picture..That if we dont help each other and co-exist together..this world of chaos we live in now..will become permanent..There is no easy way to change this situation..we have a lot of work to do..and it starts with the individual excepting and giving love.passion and assistance to one another..To mature as a Human Race..evolving in culture to peak levels..having the world run smooth and efficient in every world problem that needs to be addressed..Building a strong faith in God to lead this world out of the calamity we now face daily..Nullifying these so called idols of destruction..Look around you Humans..Take a good long look..Ask yourself this..Does this world seem to be getting better or worst..Those who have no clue to who God is..whether they care or believe in his existence..live for today..and feel there is now tomorrow for themselves..Once finished here..Thats it..Wow..Wouldnt you want to believe there is a higher level of existence from all the pain and suffering you see..face..and live around daily..( Just thought Id place this in your mental process..for those who dont believe in a higher power )..I cant and wont attempt to try and change your way of thinking..You have to learn and experience this type of growth..faith.passion..security..and love for the One Above All as the individual..good luck on your choices in life..but dont just sit there in limbo..make one..whatever it may be..and see where the Rabbit Hole leads you..Keep peace in your hearts..Go with God..and move forward with Positive Optimism..GodBless Humans..
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 11:30:58 +0000

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