~*~GAMBLING WORLD PONZI SCHEME, ITS MINSKY TIME.~*~ Global Ponzi Scheme - Chickens Coming Home To Roost. Mainland CHINESE Coming Over Buying Properties Driving Up Prices In HONG KONG. U.K. (Osborne) Pushing Its Young Into The Debt Pyramid (Ponzi Scheme) By Offering 20% Discount. Economy Distortion Due To Political Manipulation To Buy Middle Class Votes, MINSKY Moment Due. Banksters Get Paid On The Debt Creation - No Skin Off Their Noses - Taxpayers Will Bear The Costs. Hope Is Not A Good Policy - SAXO Bank Warns The Entire World Is Heading For A MINSKY Moment. No More Wriggle Room To Create Escape Velocity As Sharks Run Out Of The Small Fish. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAX Interviews SUSANNE TARKOWSKI TEMPLEHOF, Founder And CEO Of Bitnation, (Where There Motto Is Blockchains, Not Borders) About Sovereignty, Love And Divorce On The Blockchain. The Blockchain Technology Can Be Used For Numerous Contracts, Deeds, To Take Companies Public, Passports Everything Without The Need For Lawyers As Ledgers Are Fully Transparent. Blockchain Nations For More On The Score And Into The Know Click Below.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 20:12:14 +0000

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