“GAME OF DRONES” - just an idea I have had a couple of - TopicsExpress


“GAME OF DRONES” - just an idea I have had a couple of thoughts that I’d like to share with you all. I have been reading everything that has been posted on this space from all of you, plus what research I have been doing on the web about UAV’s and all the negative publicity they and the pilots are getting. I have some spare time currently and was wondering what you might all think of the idea of combining, (editing) some of your video submissions into one video and titling it “Game of Drones” yes it is a play on words based on a current popular Foxtel TV series, but it will capture peoples attention :-) My thought was to use the video to;- 1) Promote freelance aerial videography 2) Demonstrate what skills can be acquired through pilots practicing 3) Giving others (non owners) a visual experience of the thrill we experience every time we take to the skies. 4) Use our collective talents to promote RPA’s and their operators in a POSITIVE light and showcase what we have captured of Australian from low altitudes. Your thoughts and comments please!!! I think by doing this we can have some influence with the regulators that we we can be a self regulating group of responsible pilots, similarly to what has been done in NZ as they have set a prescience. If we unit as a group of people with a common interest and donate our time free of charge toward teaching each other within this group, the finer art of RPA flying in Australia, we demonstrate our commitment to “best practices” We should also research and develop our own club about RPA registration and that of its members and branding our PRA’s with a registration number, all of this to be done at a reasonable cost to members who are willing to register and brand their machines with a registered number. We could bound by a “code of conduct when operating a PRA, UAV, Drone under 3 or 4KG? Develop and document our own set of flying regulations, (based on experience) that we as a group believe are adequate to protect life, property and all flora and fauna. What do you all think, or is this just an idea that you think will never get off the ground?
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 07:23:49 +0000

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