***GET OUT OF SATANS FALSE ACCUSATION AND FREE*** Brothers and - TopicsExpress


***GET OUT OF SATANS FALSE ACCUSATION AND FREE*** Brothers and sisters, we must continue to persevere in faith, knowing that our Heavenly FATHER is in complete control at all times. Though lawlessness appears to prevail at times, we are given grace to persist and develop our faith in HIM ALONE. Our MESSIAH is the MIGHTY ONE of LIGHT and HE will light our pathway which continually leads to life. Let us recall a few Scriptures that give us hope in this year. James 1:16-18 reminds us that the FATHER of heavenly lights gives only good and perfect gifts and that HE is the MIGHTY ONE of TRUTH: Dont be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the FATHER of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. HE chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of all HE created. satan is a liar (he is a creator of every lies) and he would have us focus on our circumstances and negativity. The accuser of the brethren will attempt to falsely accuse you, as well as your relationship with YAHWEH. Satan, the accuser, will cause you to doubt heavenly FATHERS grace that empowers you with HIS faith for safety, protection and provision. Though we are experiencing difficult times, personally and as a nation, that are challenging our faith, we must remind ourselves that YAHWEH never changes. The accuser will continually challenge your hope and trust in CHRIST. HE will falsely accuse the FATHER to you and say that HE doesnt care about the world circumstances, else why is there lawlessness and tragedy? The accuser will falsely accuse you and cause you to doubt your identity in CHRIST and your heavenly authority. Satan will tell you words such as this: Youre a failure; You cannot trust Your heavenly FATHER; You will never measure up; and You will always suffer lack. Satans demonic forces have given these decrees to speak over us. Many Believers were listening to these destructive words that satan spoke in their lives and many are still listening to these none sense. the enemy wants to steal our dreams, our faith and our lives! But, do not give place to His evil words. Determine now to repent for believing His lies. Repentance does not mean that it is needed because God is upset, mad or angry because of our doubt and unbelief. No way! To repent means to simply change the way you think (about God and even yourself). Therefore, if you have believed opposite of what God says about you, change the way you think about yourself. Also, if you have believed opposite of all God declares concerning His love, provision, protection, etc., simply change the way you think about Him. This will empower you with great faith and hope for your future. Brothers and sisters, the accuser (satan) would love for our hearts to be faint during this year 2014. Remember, satan will always bring darkness into our situation. However, heavenly revelation reveals what is hidden or what attempts to remain in darkness. As we more fully acknowledge YAHWEHS goodness and HIS LIGHT of TRUTH, we begin to function and operate in HIS POWER to overcome the wicked works and words of the accuser. HalleluYAH!!! We belong to A MIGHTY ONE WHO IS THE FATHER of the TRUTH for never LIE!!!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 20:24:09 +0000

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