#GNFaceBook. As you lay just some #RandomThoughts to think about. - TopicsExpress


#GNFaceBook. As you lay just some #RandomThoughts to think about. In this world we face the need for a standard. A measuring stick by which we can distinguish between what is of God & what is not of God. The bible tells us that we are living in a world where truth & error are mixed together that you cant tell one from the other. Just because a person can dressed up in a fine suit, a fancy robe, & preach mightily does not mean their heart & hands is clean. There is so much deception lurking about. So many people who say they are about Gods business when in reality they are workers of iniquity with wrong intentions, & deceitful motives. You got to be real careful in this hour who you are connecting to & know that every place is not for you. Some people visions may not be for you to be apart of. Some people vision are not of God at all & some are just man-made agendas & these are the ones we are so easily persuaded to join. You must learn to stay prayerful & follow the Spirit of The Lord. The devil is so cunning that he is an imitator of the things of God that if it were possible & God didnt shorten the days the very elect will be deceived. I am on the potters wheel now getting reprocessed due to choices that placed me in the refinery. Visions should be discovered & not self- established. The Christian life is about discovering the plan & purpose that God has for your life on this earth. #ItsAllAboutFulfillingHisAgenda. Many people have short changed themselves fulfilling other people visions while the plan of God in their own lives dries up & become worthless. I have learned that vision is not a man-made plan. Vision is not a goal. Vision is not a desired outcome or objective. Vision is Gods perspective given to someone who is able to live it out upholding the standards of God. Many uses the bible to manipulate others to buy into their ideas by supporting by all means necessary when they themselves are not living by it. They will preach against the things God hate, & still have no accountability. They can talk it but they cant walk it. They compromise with others & they get mad when others dont accommodate their agenda. They dont trust God to provide. They fail to realize that God makes provision for every vision. They get people to get with them as they pursue their words, rules, and regulations building up a kingdom setup by satan himself. My prayer is that God will give us spiritual insight to see the strategy of satan that we wont be deceive. I pray that all deceivers, manipulator, connivers, & liars REPENT & turn from their wicked ways & REMEMBER from whence they have fallen & RETURN unto their first love & uphold his standard & begin to manage the vision of God to make disciples of all people even when faced with opposition, frustration, & spiritual attack knowing that if you are in spiritual alignment with his assignment He GOT your back. I thank you God for clarity,direction, & divine connections.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 04:56:00 +0000

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