!Gai tses Indigenous brothers and sisters Wake up on - TopicsExpress


!Gai tses Indigenous brothers and sisters Wake up on Religion....How true these words given that the Colonialist came with the Bible and the cross to the shores of Southern Africa, through their conniving took the land of the Indigenous Khoisan peoples, enslaved, murdered, raped them and called them all sorts of hideous names and stripped them naked of the own cultures, traditions and languages. The have the cheek to call themselves civilised and more superior towards the Indigeous Khoisan people who were the first people on earth, who knew religion long before the colonialists did, whos rock art paintings after so many years still remain in tact as a reminder to the next generation that our forefathers were the first in Southern Africa, who survived the most harshest territories in the desert and are masters of mother earth, who language, traditions and cultures have been copied and is the cradle of humanity. I tell you solemly, the Indigenous Khoisan people are a great nation indeed. Our History is within us, never depart from your own self knowledge for the past is always ahead of us. No religion is greater than truth, and no faith is greater than fact...... MAY GOD BE OUR PROTECTOR AND GUIDE AS WE STRIVE TOWARDS OUR FREEDOM AND RECOGNITION IN YOUR OWN LAND (WHAT A SHAME TO BE TREATED AS A ORPHAN AND OUTCAST IN WHAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE INDIGENOUS KHOISAN PEOPLES)... As Malcolm X states None but ourselves can free ourselves from slavery mentality and freedom, if you are a man you take it....We trust that all our Indigenous Khoisan brothers and sisters will heed the just cause, unite and never give up on our plight. Gangans.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 08:03:40 +0000

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