< Garvin Walters > UNDERSTANDING THE TOBAGONIAN: When two - TopicsExpress


< Garvin Walters > UNDERSTANDING THE TOBAGONIAN: When two talkshow hosts in Trinidad could sit on their backsides and discuss a topic on Tobagonians being clannish, it bothers you as a Tobagonian. You see, these two ill-informed jokers tried to make out the word clannish to mean something bad. They said we are very defensive about things Tobago, such as issues affecting the island and of people who are Tobagonians, and that Trinidadians have no right discussing these issues. They do this deliberately, to create a mindset in the minds of the Trinidadian. and because of the IGNORANCE of both hosts and some of their Trinidad counterparts, it opened the floodgate for all sort of stupid remarks to be made against Tobagonians, including some who said they either live or lived here or have strong family ties to Tobago. Not suprising, 80% of the people they polled think that were clannish. But Id tell you Tobagonians, NEVER apologize for being clannish. Im sure that in most cases, our clannishness is very much justified. One things for sure however, is that we will NEVER give support to a wrong doer or wrongdoings, because its a Tobagonian doing it (ala the UNC supporter). I believe that we have great appreciation for what is moral. But you can expect that if someone or group is representing the island in Trinidad against anyone from there, then were VERY CLANNISH in our support for the individual or group. Its only natural. But with that said, ALL Tobagonians dont like Dr. Keith Rowley, some hate his guts to the point that one delinquent wished that it was him who was killed instead of Dana Seetahal. Many love Kamla more. There were some ignorant ones wouldve texted or called to say that Tobagonians doh like we, which is beyond absurdity. What we dont like is when they attemp to be-little us or display any kind of superiority over us. This has been the problem on many occasions. Its never easy to travel to Trinidad and come first there when the judges are Trinidadians, be it in sports or culture, unless youre totally unbeatable. But despite having to dig extremely deep and pull out all stops to win, we dont hold it against them if we dont succeed. Were still very good to them as hosts. Gone are the old days whenever they come to stay for a weekend or holidays, they were fully loaded to go back to Trinidad, with all kinds of food-stuffs. Wed give up our rooms to accommodate them in the process (and they dont necessarily have to be relatives). I remember the days when (as strangers to a village) theyd be walking down the streets and if they see a fruit tree in your yard, theyd stop and ask if they can get and was HARDLY ever refused. Yet still I heard some said on that famous Morning Show, that were not nice as we are made out to be. How many of us wouldve enjoyed that same hospitality when we go there? That topic angered a lot of Tobagonians yesterday morning, because its not the first time we were discussed in such a way, We continue to hear form one of them more than the other (who doesnt ever appear to think individually when in company of his co-host) asking: Can Trinidadian could be the Chief Secretary in Tobago? CERTAINLY, a Trinidadian could become a Chief Sec, once he/she is well known and build some form of a foundation on the island and establish themselves. The Chief Secretary in an interview on the SAME program said the same thing that it is not an impossibility, BUT STILL that stupid question is being raised. WHY?? People who act as talkshow hosts or who see themselves as influential on the mindset of listeners, must be very careful of their agendas and trends that they set, because in the end it could have very telling effects.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 13:47:03 +0000

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