>>> Generational Curses; The Profitable Ripoff Program... One - TopicsExpress


>>> Generational Curses; The Profitable Ripoff Program... One of the more ignorant and superstitious teachings coming out of the word of faith prosperity gospel camp is a claim that a Christian can be cursed with a Generational curse. This ignorant stupidity is promoted by false deceptive teachers Paula White and Marlyn Hickey. Among others, con artists White and Hickey do a lot of business selling generational curse cures. There is a trend in the church today to try to blame every sin and problem on some sort of generational curse. This is not biblical. God’s warning to visit iniquity on future generations is part of the Old Testament Law. A generational curse was a consequence for a specific nation (Israel) for a specific sin (idolatry). The history books of the Old Testament (especially Judges) contain the record of this divine punishment meted out. Conveniently, and profitably for them, both of these women have an array of products they sell to address your Generational curse problem, such as books, CDs, and in Marlyn Hickeys case, she includes as part the process of curing you of your Generational curse, a requirement to send in a donation (a faith seed) ranging from $15 to $100 or more. Hickey craftily adds the donation requirement in the steps to your cure using a set of boxes you are to check which is your pledge to send in money. (see photo below for her requirement for a cash donation). Additionally, Hickey has a check list (in the letter she sends out) that you are to review of conditions that she claims proves that you are cursed. If you review the list, its written in a manner so that NO ONE, NO Christian on earth could get through the list without saying YES to one or more of the symptoms, and therefore conclude that they have a Generational curse. Example; she asks do you have a loved one who is not saved?...a sure sign of a Generational curse claims Hickey. I have never met a Christian that doesnt have at least one loved one who isnt saved. Nice one, Marlyn; VERY slick indeed! (see photo below for her symptoms list). The answer to Paula White and Marlyn Hickeys money making deceptive filth is the truth. So I think it best to deal with their lies head on with the following set of facts exposing their demonic teachings. The following are a set of facts I can guarantee you that both Hickey and White hope no one finds out. Because when you know the truth, it will set you free. Free from being a victim of these two greedy demonic liars, and free from the satanic fear they peddle. >> The facts; what they dont want you to know... > ONE - There is no such thing as a curse of any kind that can be put on you that is controlled by or administered by satan, any demonic entity, or any human being. ALL curses...and I do mean ALL of them... are placed on a person (or thing, such as the earth) by God alone. So, that would lead to the question of; if God places a curse on you, and it is coming from God, why would you go against Gods will and seek to have it removed? Either way; God is the source of ALL curses. The Bible tells us that “like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest” (Proverbs 26:2). This means that foolish curses have no effect. God does not allow His children to be cursed. God is sovereign. No one has the power to curse one whom God has decided to bless. God is the only One able to pronounce judgment. > TWO - In order to have a Generational curse on you, there is a set of sins that God declares must be practiced in order for you to be cursed. The list is found in Deu 5:8 and Exodus 20:5. These are the two scriptures ripped completely out of context and used to fool White and Hickeys victims... Deu 5:8 - Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me... - You have to construct a graven image (i.e., a false god or false icon). - You have to bow down (worship it) and serve it. - You have to hate God. (Know any true Christians that hate God?) - You have to be the second, third and fourth generation from the original person sinning before God engaged in the three previous ungodly behaviors. Not any generation further. Exodus 20:5 - Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. - Same list, with the addition of God showing mercy to the 1000th generation. - And the curse will ONLY come because of the previous sin (see list again from Deu 5:8) of the FATHERS (men), not the Mothers (women). Thats one for the women! > THREE - The curses are of The Law (the Law of Moses, or the Torah, the Old Testament), there are NO SUCH CURSES that are part of the New Testament that God states that He will bring on His children. God DOES chastise us, teach us, guide us, but He NEVER curses us...NEVER. Sorry Marlyn Hickey and Paula White...YOURE LIARS! > FOUR - (continuing from Three)...Generational curses are a Curse of the Law, and we as Christians HAVE BEEN FREED FOREVER from The Curse of the Law. FREE FROM IT! Jesus was made a final curse for us when He was crucified for us. The Bible says... Galatians 3:13 - Christ HAS (past tense) redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. You CANNOT be blessed and cursed at the same time! Its one or the other; guess which one it is for Gods children, you and me? Were blessed! And... In Isaiah 53:6 it says that The Lord hath laid upon Him (Jesus Christ) the iniquity of us all... The same Hebrew word for iniquity in Isaiah 53:6 is the same Hebrew word found in Exodus 20:5-6 (and elsewhere in the OT) where it speaks of God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the third and fourth generation of those that hate him. And thus, if we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, even if there was some generational curse passed down, our iniquity (Exodus 20:5-6) was laid upon Jesus. He is the propitiation for our sin, and his righteousness is imputed to us, as our sin was imputed to him, along with the iniquity laid upon Him. He takes it all away (generational curse and all). It is broken when we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Secondly; the Bible tells us Exodus 20 (and elsewhere in connection with the Lord visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the third and fourth generation) that He shows mercy to those who love him and keep His commandments. While we can never keep all of His commandments, HE, Jesus Christ, kept all of them, and thus as the propitiation for our sin, our sin is imputed to Him, and His righteousness is imputed to us. Hence, there are no so-called generational curses for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. NONE!! >> Final thought; the truth is the end of the line for these demonic liars that traffic for profit in so-called deliverance ministries for Christians with so-called generational curses. Jesus said... John 8:32 - And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 17:02:33 +0000

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