“Give us this day Our Daily Bread”. (Matthew 6 vs 11). That is - TopicsExpress


“Give us this day Our Daily Bread”. (Matthew 6 vs 11). That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional Today. In Our Focal Scripture, Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread”. The Word “DAILY” as used in that Scripture is derived from the Greek Word ‘EPIOUSIOUS’. EPIOUSIOUS could be interpreted to mean ‘TOMORROW’ or ‘FUTURE’. So, Jesus taught His disciples to pray that God would give them bread for the Future; He taught them to make demands for tomorrow’s bread. Now, Jesus didn’t ask His disciples to pray that tomorrow’s bread shall come tomorrow. He taught them to say,”Give us this day”. He taught them to pray that tomorrow’s bread shall come today. He taught them to pray that what they need for tomorrow will be supplied today. He taught them to pray that what they need for the future will be delivered to them in the present. Isn’t it true that most times, we worry about the future because we only have enough for ‘Today’? Sometimes, we are scared of the Future because we do not have enough supplies to meet tomorrow’s demands. Friend, hear God’s Plan for your destiny: You shall not just have bread for today; God says, you shall have bread for tomorrow. You shall not just have enough to last for today; you shall have more than enough. You may have known that realm of having enough just for the moment, but God says, you are about to step into a new level where you will have supplies that will last, not only for you, but even for your next generation. Proverbs 13 vs 22 says “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children…”. How can this good man do this if all he has is just today’s ‘bread’? God is transiting you from the level of ‘Just enough’ to the realm of ‘More than Enough’. Do you know that Tomorrow’s Bread (Financial Provision, Idea, Expectations etc) can come today? Pray with me, “Lord, give me Today what I need for my Tomorrow in Jesus name”. Have a Beautiful Thursday!
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 09:08:34 +0000

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