‘God, I haven’t heard from You lately’ is what I thought as - TopicsExpress


‘God, I haven’t heard from You lately’ is what I thought as I laid in bed this morning! I’m so spoilt by my little God winks, what you may call a coincidence, but I call them my reminders from God letting me know He’s still with me, and today I certainly needed one! My friend Sal, in South Africa, and I started logging in our daily exercise in a Facebook group recently and she so inspired me one day when she wrote, I should sharpen my discipline & cultivate the habits of a healthy, balanced woman and that has been my focus ever since! I called her to say thank you a little while ago to let her know that I’m seriously working on becoming that woman! But, back to the God wink! Yesterday on a web site I was asked to select a security question and of all the ones there I picked, “What was the name of your first pet?” and I entered “Garfield” as my answer. Right before posting my exercise on Facebook, I had ‘liked’ a photo of a huge cat and commented, “What the heck?” And after posting, I had noticed Sal was online as well, and as I sat waiting for her to post her exercise, there appears in the bottom left hand side of the computer screen, “Garfield”. Someone else had commented that in regards to the huge cat! This was maybe less than an hour from me telling God I haven’t heard from Him! You tell me, coincidence or God wink? I asked God to hear from Him and as I sat just looking at the screen waiting for Sal to post, there popped up the answer to my security question from yesterday that only God and I knew about! All I’m going to say is watch what you’re thinking, GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING! WE GO WITH GOD!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 00:23:05 +0000

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