.......God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, - TopicsExpress


.......God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, AND FOR SIN, CONDEMNED SIN IN THE FLESH [Romans 8:3]. Jesus Christ condemnd sin thru His oferin of Himself in the Cros. One of the reasons God snt Jesus to die 4 us on the Cros was to condemn, deprive sin of its powa from havin mastery ova us. He settld the problem of sin ONCE FOR ALL wen He offerd Himself (Heb 10:12). He condemnd sin on the Cros so that it wont condemn u anymore. There is therefore NOW no condemnation to those who r in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1). He tuk my condemnation on the Cros. And most strongly, Jesus even deliverd us from SIN-CONSCIOUSNES which is THE VERY THOUGHT OF UNWORTHINES, INFERIORITY, GUILT that often wants to lay hold of us afta we sinned! In this New Covenant God declares in Heb 8:12 that our sins & iniquities WIL HE REMEMBA NO MORE bcos He remembad them wen He put His Son on the Cros to suffer 4 our sins. Frend, if God chose nt 2 rememba your sins anymore, stop beatin yourself down by rememberin them. Heb 10:2 says that Jesus oferd Himself 4 us so that WE SHULD NT HV NO MORE CONSCIENCE OF SINS! If we realy preach sin from this angle as a settled issue that Jesus dealt wit, this wil set people free from bein condemnd & from sin havin dominion ova them!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 13:04:46 +0000

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