#GodIsCrazy Yesterday I talked to my sister Ashley on the phone, - TopicsExpress


#GodIsCrazy Yesterday I talked to my sister Ashley on the phone, and she was sharing how she has been finding gems for the last six years and most recently in a gathering in her city Seattle. First I was shocked she even came across them recently, but even more shocked shes been finding them off and on for years!! I was like thats some crazy impossible stuff right there, I definitely believe in God, I believe in the supernatural, He is a God of the supernatural, and I know many who have experienced getting gems, gold, gold flecks, good teeth haha and its always sounded so crazy, yet amazing, yet alluring, and to be honest Ive been really wanting to experience that for myself!! I told her if that happened to me, Id freak out, it would take my faith to another level, I would barely doubt, fear because for God to do something so beautiful, impossible as drop a gem, place a gem for you to find, how could I not understand, know He really loves me! Know He is for me! Know He hears me! That would just be a huge confirmation! Obviously I know He loves me, hears me, and it waith me, but ladies like a little affirmation haha, even from God the Father and Jesus. Her story really touched me but then I went about my night not really thinking much about it. BUT I had a dream last night! I was praying in my grandmas bedroom (idk why haha) to find some gems on the floor, that God would give me gems! I bent down to look and there was nothing, I got really sad. I saw myself knelling on the floor with my head down, so sad. Then A huge purple diamond popped up to the right of me, so beautiful!! I screamed! I freaked out! I grabbed it quickly!! Then over to the left all these gems, jewels, rocks, necklaces popped up out of nowhere and I was screaming even more!! I was freaking out again! haha I was so happy! I started gathering them all together in a pile! I kept saying He loves me, He loves me! Ahhh this is so cool! Then I was so excited I started sharing my story with others and my dad! I was taking out all that God dropped before me out of my purse showing my dad in like shock, amazement, and joy! Like do you know what just happened??ahhhhhh it was so cool, it was as if this all really happened to me in the natural! Ive been attacked for years in my dreams, awful dark, twisted, demonic dreams, etc. that even led me to at one point very depressed, hopeless, suicidal thoughts, and Ive been praying to get God dreams for a while, especially when I was under a man who has a dream mantle Lou Engle and nothing haha #sadness Many People have prophesied I would be a dreamer, get prophetic dreams, and nothing! Even though it was not much last night I see so much God in it, and it blessed me, and to me it shows things are shifting in my dreams!! I just want to thank Ashley Bird for sharing her experiences with me! I feel it sparked something, ignited something, created a shift!! I dont remember even thinking about her story before I went to bed. So maybe God really wanted to share that with me!!! Confirm His love for me! Confirm things like this would happen but in real life!! I dont know but Im so happy, things Ive been really desiring, dreaming of, yearning for, etc having been all coming to fruition in the last two months!! #newlevels #newseason #newintimacy #missfearless I hope this story creates a shift in someone, an increase of faith, a hunger for dreams, God-given dreams, creates a hunger for God, creates a hunger for the supernatural, desires more, desires the impossible, desires more of Him! He is the God of the impossible! All things are possible in Him! Dream, dream, dream!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 19:24:35 +0000

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