Good afternoon America. I am feeling a little blue today because - TopicsExpress


Good afternoon America. I am feeling a little blue today because of something brought to my attention by my good friend, Rodney Neal Powell. Former Republican Congressman from Colorado and perpetual Candidate for Colorado State offices, Tom Tancredo, is telling us that if President Obama isnt impeached, the only thing to do is to arm ourselves and join a militia to engage in armed revolution against the Federal Government and any Government for that matter. This is very dangerous territory that we are in my fellow Americans. We have gone beyond merely suggesting we resort to our 2nd Amendment remedies, like failed Republican Candidate for Senate in Nevada, Sharron Angle did when she lost to Senator Harry Reid in 2010. The suggestions are now clear. If the right wing cant impose their will over the rest of us because of their inability to win at the ballot box, the alternative is to take their guns and to engage in armed revolution. Please, dont sit this election out. Get informed, get registered, and vote. We the people have the power and it is not through the gun. The way forward is through the ballot box. issuehawk/igor/2014/09/03/tom-tancredo-impeach-obama-or-well-start-armed-rebellion.html?
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 13:45:44 +0000

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