“Graeme Back at Machinery Club Helm” Allora identity Graeme - TopicsExpress


“Graeme Back at Machinery Club Helm” Allora identity Graeme McMillan has been re-elected as President of the Warwick Veteran & Vintage Vehicle Club, returning to the helm after a three year break. The WVVVC, the organisation that brings the Allora Heritage Weekend to life every Australia Day weekend, held the Annual Meeting at Allora’s St. Andrew’s Church Hall on February 12th. Graeme was elected having presided over the popular club on twelve previous occasions, with Chris Assenbrook the Secretary and Helen Marshall re-elected as Treasurer. “We are fortunate to have people with the ability of Chris & Helen on the executive committee” said Graeme, “and I am looking forward to continuing the progress our Club has made since its formation”. Known by many as Yogi, Graeme has a lengthy history when it comes to his interest in vehicle & machinery restoration, his first venture was a British Bedford truck purchased in 1987 from John Hoey, the vehicle had laid dormant in a paddock beside the New England Highway for many a year. The Bedford had life breathed in to it once again, and featured in Allora’s 1988 Bicentennial Parade as the Allora, Clifton & Warwick Fishing Club entry. “The Bedford was also entered in the Clifton Bicentennial Parade, and we won the most comical entry award” grins Graeme. Firmly in the focus of 2014 events is the upcoming WVVVC 40th Anniversary Rally on April 26th & 27th, “and of course the 2015 Allora Heritage Weekend” said Graeme. “After three years of the Heritage Weekend being rain affected, it was a tremendous to see this year’s event such a success” recalls Graeme, “I was surprised many people returned”. The feature machinery for next year’s Heritage Weekend is Fordson tractors & anything Ford, which gels well for the recently retired transport business operator. A confirmed Ford vehicle and Mack truck devotee, Graeme also recalls the many hours spent as a lad in the saddle of a Fordson tractor on his parents Allora farm. The Allora District Historical Society has benefited from the involvement of WVVVC members in recent years, and of course both organisations share a common interest, preservation of history. “The Historical Society will be hosting their Demonstration & Display Day on April 12th, and WVVVC members will be involved” said Graeme, “we will also have members attending the 6th biennial Queensland Heritage Rally in Ayr, North Queensland from the 25th to the 27th of July”. The 120 member strong WVVVC would welcome a few more members, volunteers who are available to assist at events especially. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday monthly at either Allora, Warwick or Yangan. If you have interest in the restoration of vehicles, tractors, farm equipment, stationary engines and machinery in general, and the Warwick Veteran & Vintage Vehicle Club, give Graeme McMillan a call on 4666 3558.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 10:44:32 +0000

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