Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, with - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, with humbled hearts we gather together as one to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the knowledge that life ought to be a celebration. We thank you for the the many friends that come in and out of our lives that bring us the insight we need along our journey. We thank you for the sacredness of all things from the mighty expanse of the Universe to the very core of our Earth Mother. We thank you for the drops of rain as they fall gently from the clouds to the soil, providing growth and purification. We thank you for our animal friends that are our brothers and sisters, that we need not fear if we take the time to understand them. We thank you for your guidance when we journey to unknown areas. We thank you for the knowledge that we need not subscribe to man-made medicines when you have already created the herbs to cure us. We ask for great healing throughout the four corners, for those that are suffering through diverse diseases and disorders. We ask for comfort and peace be granted to those that grieve for the loss of loved ones. We thank you for the knowledge that death to the body is only temporary and that we will be with those we have lost in a short time. We ask for an end to modern-day slavery that hardens hearts and brings destruction to the spirit. We ask for an end to violence and abuse of our women and children. We ask that you continue to be with those that are currently being abused. We ask for guidance as we continue along our path. We ask for protection for all that stand against the destruction of your creation. We ask for protection for all of the defenseless during this time of turmoil. We ask for comfort for those that are low in spirit. We ask for forgiveness when we have strayed from our path. We ask for an end to the drug trafficking that serves only to poison the minds of your children. We ask for an end to the greed, corruption and lust of power found in our governments. We ask instead for integrity, honesty and a will to help those that have elected them to office. We thank you for our Elders that are with us to provide us with the answers and wisdom we need. May we learn to show them greater respect. We thank you for our children that will one day pass on the lessons they have learned. May we instruct them with honor in your ways. We thank you for our ancestors, who have endured so much, and yet still had enough love to pass on the wisdom over the generations. We thank you for the precious gift of life, from the highest mountain peak to the lowest ocean floor Kind regards. Prof. Jared
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 20:46:39 +0000

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