*Greater Health God’s Way* Do you not know that your body is a - TopicsExpress


*Greater Health God’s Way* Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received form God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. therefore, honor God with your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Physical health is important to emotional restoration. Your mind and emotions are affected by the condition of your body. Many doctors feel that most diseases are cause by mental and emotional stress. Emotional problems can be controlled through good physical health. Taking care of your physical body is an important step to obedience. Ask God to show you about the stress in your life: Great emotional trauma can throw your physical body completely out of balance. The food you are eating: Eating healthy must become a way of life not a last resort in the face of sickness or excess weight. - Exercise: Certain frustrations that build up body tension can be worked out in exercise. Toxic wastes and poisons that build up in your system and lower your emotional well-being will be flushed out by proper exercise. - Drinking water: Water is involved in every single process in our bodies, including digestion, circulation, absorption, and elimination. It’s a primary transporter of nutrients through the body and it carries poisons out of the body. Drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day. - Prayer and Fasting: It’s a spiritual step and a natural self-healing, cleansing, and purifying process. - Spending time daily in fresh air and natural sunlight: Fresh air and natural light bring a certain amount of healing and rejuvenation to every part of the body and mind. - Getting enough rest: During sleep food is transformed into tissue, the entire system is cleansed of poisons, and the body repairs itself and recuperates. Don’t look at the care of your health as an overwhelming and complex task. It’s really not. It’s the way God wants us to live and a point of obedience. Are you taking good care of God’s temple?
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 12:57:22 +0000

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