“Greek Guide Dogs” Greek Training and Development Center - TopicsExpress


“Greek Guide Dogs” Greek Training and Development Center for Guide Dogs for the Blind and Assistant Dogs for Handicapped. “Greek Guide Dogs Center”-The Greek Training and Development Center for Guide Dogs for the Blind and Assistant Dogs for Handicapped in Greece has been founded July 2008 with the aim a) to train a group of 4 greek people to become Guide Dogs Instructors and support the Center, after an educational program of 5 years and b) to train Guide dogs for the visually impaired people. It is important, that in this effort, they are involved all the official associations for the visually impaired people in Greece, such as: Education and rehabilitation center for the blind (K.E.A.T.), the National Confederation of people with disabilities (E.s. a. MEA), the National Federation of the blind (E.O.T.), the Panhellenic Association of the blind (P.A.B.) the Lighthouse for the blind of Greece (F.T.E.), the Hellenic Retina Society (H.R.S.), and two specialized members: “E.K.E.S.”- Hellenic Dog Training Center and “ RIGHT for the LIFE “ - Society for the protection of animals and the environment in the Attica Prefecture. The Center in August 2010 had decided to collaborate with Mr. Peter Lasaroms, Guide Dog Instructor and Anita Lasaroms, Mobility and Orientation Instructor, which their Center “Dogs for Care” collaborate with the KNGF Center in Holland.Our team is trained in the difficult area of Athens and they also visit Mr. P. Lasaroms center in Holland to have the possibility to have contact and being trained with different dogs. The training program had started October 2011 with the arrival of the 1st puppy from Holland, a black Labrador with the name ANGEL. In February 2012 our 2nd puppy arrived, a yellow Labrador named MELITTA.In May 2012 our 3rd puppy arrived, a black Labrador with the name DONNA, in June 2012 our 4h puppy arrived, a black Labrador with the name FIVOS. In February 2013 we had two more puppies, yellow Labradors too, with the names IRMA and VICTORIA, in June 2013 two more puppies, also yellow Labradors, ALMA and IRIS. In December 2013 a yellow Labrador named FRIDA and in April 2014ECTOR and REA too yellow Labradors come in Athens. In June 2014 we have begun the collaboration with a Greek Breeder “M.C. of Palmhill and we have a wonderful black Labrador named UNI. Very important momentsfor the existence of our Center are the Laws 3868/3-8-2010, 4235/11.2.2014 and the Law 4238/17.2.2014 which gives the possibility to the visually impaired people and their guide dog to have access in public places, places of mass gathering, Cultural places, Sport places, Entertainment places, Hotels, Cinemas, Theater, e.t.c. without muzzle and also gives the possibility to the young puppies that are trained for Guide Dogs to have the same benefits as the Guide Dogs. In 2013 we have matched with visually impaired people, 3 dogs, Melitta, Donna and Fivos and in 2014 we will be able to match 2 more dogs. Beginning of 2015 2 more and at the end of 2015 2 more. The adaptation of a guide dog in Greek reality and especially in Athens is one of the most difficult issues due tothe lack of public awareness, absence of accessibility measures (tactile paths for the blind, ramps, sound signals at the traffic lights, etc.) and also because of the big number ofstray dogs and cats in the streets. Our Center works methodically and systematically for informing the public, Public Organizations, Media, Public and Private Firms, Schools, etc. for the use of Guide Dogs and improve the guide dog movement and the application and operation of all possible accessibility measures. For the first time we have used also the Dog Sim here in Greece, which gave the possibility to our team, different groups of audience at schools, organizations e.t.c and our visually impaired people that they are interesting to have a guide dog, to feel the advantages of a guide dog The aim of the whole project is to prepare Guide dog Instructors for our center and also to train guide dogs, as the needs are very big and young people want to have the experience of being trained with a guide dog. After all these efforts that have started 25 years ago from the organizations of and for the Blind, we really feel proud that we have achieved our goal to begin this Service for the visually impaired people also in Greece. greekguidedogs.gr
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 11:23:09 +0000

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