~ HANOI-JANE HAD NOTHING ON OUR LITTLE JOHNNY... DID YOU KNOW: During the Vietnam conflict, John McCain was directly responsible for triggering a disastrous fire that killed 134 of his shipmates, pilots, injured scores of others, destroyed at least 20 other aircraft, AND almost single-handedly sunk the navys aircraft carrier - USS Forestal?? Yep, this is the same McCain that fully got away with the appalling incident, only to have it summarily covered up his father, and grandfather whom were both, 4 star admirals... Yep, this the same McCain that had already lost three aircraft before the disaster on the deck of the Forestal. Our hero John McCain would ultimately lose 5 aircraft in all. You can screw the pooch ONCE, but 5 times??? Any other pilot would have been out on their butt PDQ! TO RECAP: McCains first aircraft wound up in the Gulf of Mexico while he was a student naval aviator, he flew the second one into electrical transmission wires over Spain and the bailed out of the third after radioing he had a flameout and couldn’t restart the engine. BTW, while McCain’s plane was indeed lost in the Forrestal fire, it isn’t fair to say he crashed it as many now do. Lost plane #5 came later when he was shot down by the North Vietnamese. Yes SONGBIRD McCAIN as he was known by his fellow POWs, the same John McCain that willingly gave codes and data to his communist captors and WILLINGLY made no less the 32 propaganda videos for the communist North Vietnam government denouncing the U.S. military. This, after immediately spilling his guts, simply because he didnt wanna get tortured? Jane Fonda (Hanoi-Jane) had nothing on Johnny! Note: His arms were broken because he didnt pull them in when he bailed, >NOT< from being tortured. Something he admits himself. This is the very same John McCain that worked tireless to block all efforts to release information about fellow POWs? Ya gotta wonder why he would do that?? Want a hint? If you didnt know this about SONGBIRD watch this video below - its a REAL eye opener! -- PS. Wait till you learn about the John Kerry connection. JUST SICKENING! John Mccain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And Pows: youtube/watch?v=NnlQpKdNjWU&feature=related Joe Jones
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 15:56:15 +0000

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