#HARDTRUTH#(1) NGOR OKPALA STATE CONSTITUENCY, Even as an introvert i unconsciously gravitate to issues that affects us all,i believe so much in our collective and common good i believe in the emancipation of Ngor okpala,dont get it twisted i am not a politician.my grand mum warned me against politics even though i have this soft spot for our collective interest(politics)i dont intend to disobey my grand mum in her life time maybe when she kicks the bucket and my grand mum will be 105years next week. I once heard Owelle Rochas tell imolites that the most undeveloped places in the state where poverty and underdevelopment reign supreme is Ngor okpala and Ohaji egbema.this assertion disturbed my psyche to the extent that it really dawned on me that Ngor okpala is not just underdeveloped but impoverished to a large extent,the question is what have our leaders been doing?.It is with a deep regret that i remember that Hon. Bede represented us for 8years and due to his lacklustre participation in the house he added to help underdevelop Ngor okpala to a large extent.Hon. Bede EKe was handpicked by some political juggernauts in ngor okpala and he was answereable to them for 8years,his Godfathers caged him to a degree that he found it worthless to champion the course of ngor okpala in the state house,he was a stooge.permit me to say that Hon Bede EKes time in the house was a mistake Ngor okpala will not want to repeat,it cost us so much and deprived so much from our collective good.its laughable to know that he is aspiring to an upper house when his abysmal performance in the state house is a testament of poor perfomance,lack of academic wits and the height of inexperience.that shameful outing still hunts my beloved people of ngor okpala till date. On the other hand,Hon. EMeka nwofor is a child of providence,thats the way i see him,he was voted into the state house anonimously and till date he still remains anonymous.he is a beneficiary of the craze that outsted ohakim.in the bid to remove ikedi ohakim by any means humanly possible,imolites where thumb printing anything APGA and unknowingly Emeka Nwofor became a beneficiary of that onslaught against ohakim.Permit me to state categorically here that 90% of the youths in this forum dont know Hon Emeka nwofor and it still beats my imagination and disturbs my faculty why he has choosen to remain in the dark.someone should please tell Hon Emeka nwofor to step up if he desires to run for a second term in office,he should learn from the mistakes of his predecessors. So far i have not seen any serious minded person running for ngor okpala state constituency(no apologies please)i have seen one from the PDP but i want to make it clear here that we will not vote for an aspirant just because he is a youth(remember the biblical account of rehoboam and jeroboam) when we know fully well that he is wet behind the ears and hides in the shadows of his family name,i will rather vote for an octagenerian who will deliver the dividends of democracy,convey town hall meetings as at when due rather than a youth that has nothing to offer outside basking in the euphoria of his family name.i hate it when mediocrity is being celebrated at the detriment of meritocracy.i put it straight to us that we will be shortchanged if this crop of politicians i see in the PDP and APC are allowed to represent us at the state house.A honourable member aspiring to represent a people should not be a juvenile deliquent as we see in some of these aspirants,an aspiring honourable member should be coordinated,well educated and outspoken with impecable moral values.ngor okpala deserves more than this crop of politicians.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 18:57:21 +0000

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