*HAUNTED BY DANIEL DOUGLAS HOME* HIGHER MAGICK NOW! BLACK ARTS GOVERNED BY GOOD$ 40% OFF USING THE COUPON CODE: NEWYEARS At Checkout. PLUS *FREE* PENTAGRAM CHARGING BAG! As many of you know I recently returned from England and a visit with Madam Crawley. While I was there I was able to witness some incredible and phenomenal occurrences. I was invited to a Coven meeting and although I was not allowed to sit in on the entirety of the ceremony, I was introduced to some of the most amazing people I have ever met in my whole life!!! I am a changed person!! I understand much more about the Coming of the New Age, and the various aspects and steps involved. I am so overwhelmed by my Magickal experiences that I hardly know where to begin! Over the coming weeks I will be introducing these items and concepts. As Madam Crawley expressed—“The time is approaching, and we are ready to take the next step.” I get chills just thinking about it. THE COLLECTION OF DANIEL DOUGLAS HOME IS SO OVERWHELMINGLY EXCITING TO ME. I BELIEVE THAT HE IS ONE OF THE FEW CONNECTIONS BETWEEN US REAL PEOPLE AND THE SOURCE OF ALL MAGICK. HE IS A PHENOMENA. PLEASE DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS STUNNINGLY POWERFUL COLLECTION. Daniel Douglas Home 1833-1886. Master Medium. Direct voice (the ability to let spirits audibly speak); trance speaker (the ability to let spirits speak through oneself); clairvoyant (ability to see things that are out of view); and physical medium (moving objects at a distance, levitation, etc., which was the type of mediumship had no equal) The exciting thing about my Father’s collection is that it is so extensive that I know for sure there are hidden treasures and whole collections of such immense value and Magickal Power yet to be discovered by myself and my helpers! The D. D. HOME COLLECTION is one such discovery! Discovered amidst the MOST POWERFUL AND MYSTICAL COLLECTION --THE BLUE BOTTLE (BIDDY EARLY AND IREL FLANNERY) We present to you Seekers of Magick—The ENERGY TRANSMUTATION OF DANIEL DOUGLAS HOME (D. D. HOME). Irel Flannery’s memoirs explain that, “While gazing into the Blue Bottle, I was led by Biddy to an Energy Soul of such profound power that I was literally knocked off my feet.” She goes on to explain that This Energy Soul is none other than the legendary Spiritualist of the 17th century D. D. Home. His mission was clear and concise. On the other-side of the veil he had finally found the source of his incredible abilities and powers. His channeling abilities were still beyond compare and his mission being to share this Channeling power with selected individuals to whom he felt a connection. This Energy Transmutation of D. D. Home was one of the most important and difficult duties Irel would ever encounter. During the séances D. D. Home would literally enter Irel’s body, under the witness and angelic-guidance of Biddy Early. This was very draining and hard for Irel, and only one item could be Transmuted per séance. One can literally FEEL THE ENERGY radiating off these items. D. D. Home has infused each piece personally with incredible Aura Cleansing, Material manifestation, and Magnetic Power Inducing Attributes. In Layman terms—These items will make YOU POWERFUL, RICH $, RICH $, RICH $, SUCCESSFUL, AND TALENTED IN THE ARTS. YOU WILL DEVELOP AT A MOST RAPID RATE ALL FORMS OF ESP AND OTHER SUCH PHENOMENA. YOUR BOND TO THE OTHER-DIMENSIONAL ENTITIES AND ENERGY GATHERING SYSTEMS WILL BE IN SUPER-TURBO MODE!! NOTHING WILL SEEM DIFFICULT TO YOU ANY MORE. YOU WILL BE MAGICKAL AND POWERFUL IN ALL AREAS OF YOUR LIFE. And just like the incredible D. D. Home you will find yourself with an innate gift to HYPNOTIZE and CONVINCE others WITH EASE... These HYPNOSIS TALENTS MUST BE USED WITH CARE AND CONSIDERATION TO OTHERS! THERE IS A VERY PRONOUNCED MYSTICISM ABOUT THESE ITEMS AS YOU WILL SEE FROM THE AMAZING PHOTOS WE WERE ABLE TO CAPTURE. D.D. HOMES WAS CONTROVERSIAL IN HIS LIFETIME, BUT HE HAS NOW GIVEN MAN-KIND A GIFT OF UNPRECEDENTED PROPORTIONS. I MUST SINCERELY URGE YOU TO SECURE ONE OF THESE ITEMS. THERE ARE ONLY SO MANY, AND THEY WILL BE GONE. I HAVE ALREADY BEEN APPROACHED BY A VERY GENEROUS PRIVATE COLLECTOR TO SELL THEM AS A UNIT, BUT I REFUSED. THESE ITEMS ARE FOR YOU, SO DO NOT HESITATE TO GRAB THIS ONCE IN A LIFE-TIME OPPORTUNITY. His Intention Energy Transmutation cast through the unequaled Mediumship of Irel Flannery. While the Energy Transmutation was very clearly described in Irel’s notes she gave no indication of the energy already attached to the pieces she used. Up until now, Margo from the Coven Of Union has been reading the D.D Home Vessels. She has been called away on important matters, so is not available (at this present time) to do the readings. The information below will be my own interpretations, and those given to me by the AMAZING AND TALENTED Madam Crawley. The D.D. Home collection is of VITAL IMPORTANCE to the Coming Of The New Age. Many of you have already realized when the transformation begins in earnest. There will be no going back. The End of the Mayan Calendar signifies the end of an era and the Dawning of The New Age. The Golden Dawn. I feel the hairs standing up on my arms!! This is really it! The time is almost here!!! It will not be an easy passage, and these D.D.Home vessels are especially sent for those in need of assistance through this period. Madam Crawley has informed me that D.D.Home is VERY CLOSE to us. He feels our wants and needs. He understands our desires and weaknesses. He was once human too, and not really that long ago. Angelic beings help us with our Enlightenment, but if youre looking for something less heady and more PRACTICAL then I highly suggest you start securing yourself some D.D. Home Vessels. This Strong Earthy Magick will help you NOW. It will give you immediate power to combat your enemies and rise above your own limitations. It will protect you and keep you SAFE AND SECURE during this transitional period. I myself have now been blessed with 4 pieces from his collection, and I feel grounded, rooted, able to get the job done. I also feel protected, less vulnerable, secure and my BANK ACCOUNT HAS NEVER LOOKED BETTER!!! $$$$$ NOTE: IVE BEEN BUSY UPDATING MADAM CRAWLEYS SPELLS WITH TESTIMONIES SHE HAS RECEIVED ABOUT HER INCREDIBLE SPELL-CAST VESSELS. BUT IVE ALSO RECEIVED A MULTITUDE OF THANK YOU LETTERS AND GREAT UPLIFTING STORIES FROM THE OTHER COLLECTIONS. HERES ONE FROM ADRIA WHO LIVES IN N.Y.. Greetings Anna, I hope everything is going well. Did you get moved yet? Moving is so hard. Ive done it twice over the last year and Im still tired from it! Anna I just had to write and tell you how the Daniel Douglas Vessels I bought from you have cured my life. I always thought I had a special destiny but never had anyone helping me with finding out. I bought 2 of his vessels. The pearl necklace and the big orange stoned ring with the levitation spells on it. Oh my God.... My life is changed 180 degrees. First I got a promotion at work (which was a MIRACLE) then a competitor of the company asked me to work for them. Even though it was more money I let me newly honed instincts guide me and I said no thanks! So I declined and word of my loyalty somehow got back to head office. Now Im next in line for partnership. You cant believe what a step up this is for me. Ive bought my condo. Im SOOOOO Powerful. I cant do anything wrong. I feel as though D.D has really come through for me. Thank you so much for allowing me the honor of owning this magic. My life is a completely different story now. I can easily make anyone do what I want them to. I feel as if my life is a game and Im the winner already. Its so cool and so exciting. Thank you again. Ill let you know what else happens. Deepest Love Adria. This one is VERY, VERY POWERFUL, and I need to give a warning here... One of only a few known to exist. I just received an email recently from someone who acquired a piece from this very Dark Warlock, and they are ECSTATIC! Never been richer, or happier and things just keep getting better every day!! This Vintage Vessel used to belonged to the DARK WARLOCK. He practiced the black arts, and was feared and respected by all his peers. He was a billionaire business man, and member of the Illuminati. He yielded this power ruthlessly, and his MAGICK WAS AMAZINGLY STRONG AND precise. Direct Magick that lets NOTHING stand in the way of you and your dreams. All you have to do is own this piece and you will see your dreams manifest in a super fast and accurate way. Although this Vessel is originally cast with Black Magick, it has since been OVER-SEEN with White Magick. This means that you will not be allowed to hurt anyone unjustly. However, it still REEKS with power, and unstoppable energies, so I wouldnt get this one if you are fearful of HAVING YOUR OWN WAY! Your karma will not be effected by owning this piece, but your bank account certainly will be!!!. READ MORE BY CLING THE LINK... https://etsy/listing/214578529/haunted-by-daniel-douglas-home-higher?ref=shop_home_active_5
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 18:36:27 +0000

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